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TF2 Blows, Here's Why updated!

Created 22nd September 2009 @ 20:47

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Dunc does pretty much the same thing on these forums and in irc and he doesn’t get shouted down, certainly not by you. Probably because he’s in a div1 clan?

Nah. Nothing to do with the D1 clan. It’s because he’s a massive pussy and I can make him cry irl.



Oh and I hasten to add, contrary to popular belief (namely Absolute lol you fucking numpty) I am not one of those 7.



remember when absolute threatened to hack into the blog to figure out who was behind it? lmao



fucking lol yes I do. I think I have logs somewhere, I’ll post them up in a bit :D



don’t be a moron, you went over the top that’s what happens when you go down that path, whether it be you or one of your friends things like that get out of hand, if you got something to say at least be man enough to say it with your own name, not hide behind an alias.



Even *I* thought the Psun thing was a bit OTT and I would happily piss on her corpse.



and yet the project was infinitely more effective when done with an alias, because as we have clearly seen, anyone who speaks out In Their Own Name on etf2l doesn’t get a thing done, but the second that a set of dudes who want to make fun of people and have a laugh throw up an alias and start posting, all of a sudden ST8 comes out of inactivity, JimmyBreeze is given admin, a legitimate sponsor is found for the league, hmmmmm how curious, it’s almost as if… using the alias… did… exactly… what i wanted… it to…??!???!?????!?? :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

yeah the psunfragga thing was probably a bit much; hence it was taken down, and the person who did it severely reprimanded.





hi extremer! you knew the whole time that i was one of the dudes! it was fun



Just a side note about “real names”. There are people like dunc, who’s real life name and likeness and w/e else is widely known etc. and then there are people who’s “gaming alias” is just known in tf2 circles.

I have massive respect for dunc because he acts like he does even if people know a bit more about his rl persona.

just an example: “dear john carter” is just as much of an alias as Mr X. to me and probably to most people. It takes a bit more stones to “be a dick” when “PEOPLE KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU IRL”.

love you dunc.

Last edited by agron,



Aww thanks. I try to tone it down sometimes but I just can’t fucking stand fat women :(



just an example: “dear john carter” is just as much of an alias as Mr X. to me and probably to most people. It takes a bit more stones to “be a dick” when “PEOPLE KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU IRL”.

and this, agron, is what nobody got – the identity never mattered. the identity was as meaningless as my internet name. the identity was worthless, my internet name is worthless; the content mattered. whether im div3 or div1 (sorry that i’m not up to your standard of skill at this video game, fragga) never did.



she’s not going to fuck you, joe. trust me.

i didn’t even post the psunfragga thing. there’s 7 dudes, there’s 7 individual minds floating around who all have access to the blog, the steam account, the etf2l account. fuck mang!

She might.



just an example: “dear john carter” is just as much of an alias as Mr X. to me and probably to most people. It takes a bit more stones to “be a dick” when “PEOPLE KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU IRL”.

and this, agron, is what nobody got – the identity never mattered. the identity was as meaningless as my internet name. the identity was worthless, my internet name is worthless; the content mattered. whether im div3 or div1 (sorry that i’m not up to your standard of skill at this video game, fragga) never did.


And that’s the sound of the nail being hit on the head.

Dunc is no greater or lesser person for doing what he did. He’s just better known, and there but for the grace of god goes john carter.

You will always see me dropping comments in delivering ruthless truth in the same way dunc does. There’s other people who do as well. Just because you don’t know them doesn’t mean that dunc is any more of a hero than these people. We are ALL aliasing. Until you attach a personality to that alias, everyone is “Mr. X”.

So you know dunc. And in your opinion that allows him to make commentary on others.

Everyone agrees that the psunfragga thing was too much – including me, and i think she’s a prostitute for the attention of div1 players. Ridiculing someone based on their appearance is pointless. Like most of us are any better looking. I’ve got scalp psoriasis and my hair’s falling out – it’s embarassing and i keep thinking i look fucking 40. If that takes any attention away from psunfragga then i’m glad because no one’s feelings should be hurt in that way.

But it was taken down and dealt with and rightly so. As for the other cunts who got their just desserts – good, i’m glad. Do more.

List what makes you ugly/imperfect!

Last edited by vlad_drac,



Obviously tapley is discounted, as he’s perfect.

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