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TF2 Blows, Here's Why updated!

Created 22nd September 2009 @ 20:47

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I really wanna know who this is before I dissapear into the other universe!!!!

The trouble is most people it’s likely to be don’t have the intelligence or gramma to write like this, I know I don’t.

I would like to think it will be one of the following…

maybe dunc with a triple bluff. But i doubt he has time for this bs.

If it isn’t any of them I can only think it would be a “fin” with dunc’s help.

There is a few UK guys like Arx,Byte ect.. that have the intelligence but I just can’t see them flaming so many people. They are to good natured but u never know!

either way I would bet money that someone from team england is involved, not sure which one tho :(

btw, great work Mr.X if the reason for this is giving the community a kick start into motivation and activity I applaud you!


Last edited by pukz,


Hey dats!

it’s 32.



it’s 32.

He can barely speak english as it is. :)



If you do not think that having the maturity level of a child (nvc, joske, yourself) and displaying it proudly and watching it sink deep into the nostrils of the player-base is negatively affecting the game, then congratulations on your disgusting level of ignorance.
Mr. Z

you see, constantly mocking Ziggy and Josh wont actually help your case, nor TF2’s. While I agree that Josh is randomly abusive at times and wants “to bash your head with a keyboard @LAN”, Ziggy is one of the nicer persons to play with if you let him finish his sentences and don’t constantly interfere with his idea of the game/find a compromise (he loves to frag ppl :)).
All you mongs trying to make Ziggy a “bad” person won’t help the case in any way, believe me.

I will now fin(n)ish this post by saying that I love Ziggy and Ziggy’s hair and that he’s awesome most of the time, like everyone else is.
There’s NO person playing PC games that does NOT have issues (mental ones, mostly).

This thread is now about my lunch, which is taking place NAO.

Last edited by Waebi,



This thread is now about my lunch, which is taking place NAO.

Email me some, no class atm i cbf going to a shop. :(

Last edited by Skyride,



you see, constantly mocking Ziggy and Josh wont actually help your case, nor TF2’s. While I agree that Josh is randomly abusive at times and wants “to bash your head with a keyboard @LAN”, Ziggy is one of the nicer persons to play with if you let him finish his sentences and don’t constantly interfere with his idea of the game/find a compromise (he loves to frag ppl :)).
All you mongs trying to make Ziggy a “bad” person won’t help the case in any way, believe me.

I will now fin(n)ish this post by saying that I love Ziggy and Ziggy’s hair and that he’s awesome most of the time, like everyone else is.
There’s NO person playing PC games that does NOT have issues (mental ones, mostly).

This thread is now about my lunch, which is taking place NAO.

I actually lol’d



I actually lol’d

about the food or about my points above it?


Hey dats!

the part about nvc.


swiss people do not take sides waebi.



the part about nvc.



swiss people do not take sides waebi.



RaWr ::

It’s probably runesky :) good reading



I’ve seen the writing style before, on some shitnerd wiki.


Damn lost my post.

Basically i was saying Mr.TF2Corridor that Fragga has a point, from your vantage point as a well read, independent and obviously doesn’t give a damn attitude, you could open up discussion on issues which clearly would not be well received by parts of the TF2 community. Not having to fear recriminations you can do what we don’t do.

Admitedly I think you go ott and follow stereotypes (ok so you don’t like some people, but some do help out the TF2 community and you don’t show this).



PS- Byte please mentor my demoman. /shameless attempt no.2 to get everyone in pB^ mentors.

Last edited by oblivion,


Will try i’ve got this friday free so far i have dope|40 to mentor and ur demoman? speak to me on irc and can arrange times n shiz




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