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I38 tf2 compo

Created 16th August 2009 @ 19:40

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Unless quake live is on i’ll play tf2

Thats exactly the sort of attitude Perry is saying we DON’T need. :/

Personally I will be there assuming the travel costs don’t cost a Kidney or 2 (would have been at i37 if it wasen’t going to cost £200 for the train).

Personally I can’t see what Multiplay is up to. TF2 is pretty much a game designed around public players and for that reason it is NEVER going to be as popular for competitive play as CSS. Its not even like Multiplay won’t know this. They will have made a small fortune for EXACTLY that reason. Because TF2 is for public players, that means alot more players, i.e. more idiots buying servers. I think they have taken the cue that someone else on the forum picked up on, i.e. Valve now listening to competitive players to make it a success like CSS and they want to get on the bandwagon.

But anyway, Im just being a bit of a conspiracy theorist here, Im sure theres alterior motives to this or some nasty catch we haven’t heard yet.




£140 for the TUP spots is a lot. Could be that most foreign teams won’t be willing to pay that x 6.

How big would the prize pool need to be to make this viable?

I don’t know. That rumored 5k might do it. It really depends on the team. I’d say the larger MGOs care about the publicity they get more than the prize money.

edit: nvm.



I’d say the larger MGOs care about the publicity they get more than the prize money.

Ye, thing is publicity is 90% word-of-mouth for things like gaming. So really, the typical gamer is more likely to remember Dignitas winning a game at i38 if theres lots of videos on Youtube of them being presented with a £5K cheque.


Unless quake live is on i’ll play tf2

Thats exactly the sort of attitude Perry is saying we DON’T need. :/

What exactly are you on about? I’ve been to 4 i-series lans in a row, the last one (i37), i played cod4 and then still played tf2 as it was a fun tournament making 4 tf2 lans.

Now the fact that tf2 is prizewinning at i38 will mean i won’t be allowed to play in another game in addition to tf2 like i was at i37, and as i play more quake live than i do tf2 which i don’t play, why would i play tf2 over quake?

The fact i’ve been to 4 multiplay events and spoken to the admins and xman (plus others) throughout each one during it’s constant push for prize winning status would mean i have contributed or observed alot more of the decision making process to it and i think you should get your facts straight before you start going down that path, or atleast know a little background knowledge in that what i said was nothing more than a open message for a team to take me on should they not host ql, as i have done in the run up to every multiplay event since i34.



word of mouth means everything in gaming

Tapley ❤


Yep the prize money should be half way decent! MP have already pledged alot of money and thats without any sponsers who will, fingers crossed follow suit with some extra money.

But if this game is to progress perhaps its time for some of the bigger teams to pull their fingers out and spend a little money here to get to lan ;). You can just sit on the coat tails of your org and only go if a prize pot is over 3k or somthing, but if everyone takes that attitude you’ll soon have no chance of any large prize fund tourneys as they’ll see tf2 teams cant pull their fingers out.

This is one of the best opportunitys tf2 has to get some big prize pots going again, but if euro teams dont make the effort, or understandably cant afford it, we’re obviously never going to get anywhere in large prize funded tournaments. I’ll never win any of them so i dont really care but top teams cant whine theres no money if they dont make the effort this time ;-).


This is potentially the best thing that could ever happen to TF2.

If Multiplay host a regular TF2 prize winning tournament, with a huge stage, lots of sponsors…… then who is to say other LAN events wont follow suit?

First things first, we need to make sure Multiplay actually host a regular prize winning TF2 tournie! That means we need to attend :o



get your shirt rdy jones, FB is interested


RaWr ::

We will be going :)


If all goes to plan i should be going to i38





ill be going, even if its just with a mix team!!



I’ll be going.



If only UKESA had paid up….
anyhows idk? will definately try to come to this one

ill be going, even if its just with a mix team!!

this, provided I can scrounge a lift from someone again :D

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