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Experimental Hardcore Server

Created 9th August 2009 @ 14:24

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removing half of stickys + reducing damage? That’s a bit?


And btw, what’s up with the pyro thingie? Have fun trying to light up a running scout ;o

we now have regular ignition for all classes other than spy. Also, scout damage is now decreased by only -2 per pellet


removing half of stickys + reducing damage? That’s a bit?

indeed it is “?” for demo how it is currently played, but we are trying to force players to go one way or the other, attack or defend, and see how that dynamic plays out

*demos splash has been increased back to the default 132


lol at sniper, you must really hate them

If the sniper can only do damage if he hits a HS
Change the sniper so it’s like every other FPS game Headshot = kill, no charging
so increase snap Headshots from 150 to 450 damage

Then again I think the project is a waste, let Valve do the balancing


Soldier is now very overpowered

I really don’t see how reducing the amount of stickies per clip will force the demoman to choose between attacking and defending. It will only force him to reload more often in combat. You might as well admit that you just want to nerf the demoman. In fact, it seems that you want to nerf every single class other than the soldier.


lol at sniper, you must really hate them

If the sniper can only do damage if he hits a HS
Change the sniper so it’s like every other FPS game Headshot = kill, no charging
so increase snap Headshots from 150 to 450 damage

Then again I think the project is a waste, let Valve do the balancing


Soldier is now very overpowered

we are currently looking into increasing snapshot damage from 150 to somewhere between 175 and 200 but that will take a bit of testing before we make a decision on what to implement.

and which feature do you think makes soldier overpowered?


and which feature do you think makes soldier overpowered?

In fact, it seems that you want to nerf every single class other than the soldier


I really don’t see how reducing the amount of stickies per clip will force the demoman to choose between attacking and defending. It will only force him to reload more often in combat. You might as well admit that you just want to nerf the demoman. In fact, it seems that you want to nerf every single class other than the soldier.

look, we dont claim to be game developers and know full well our work doesnt compare to that of valve, but we are simply experementing with some balance things. Playtest it, if the demo sticky limits make things too horrible we can change it. Remember, were just experementing.

Plus i wouldnt say were trying to be unfair to soldier, it just happens to be well rounded enough to fit in nicely to the ideas we have. As does spy. As does pyro. As does engineer. As does medic.

and we certainly arent doing this based upon ourselves and our personal play, as the 3 people most involved with the project main in sniper, scout, and demoman.


and the most retarded “project” award gooooes tooooo ?

I don’t really care about what changes you make, since I doubt that I will be testing it anyway. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t claim that you’re trying to change the role of the demoman, when it’s so obvious that it’s just a plain nerf. And if you felt that the pyro was balanced, why did you feel the need to nerf him too, by not making people instantly ignite?


I don’t really care about what changes you make, since I doubt that I will be testing it anyway. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t claim that you’re trying to change the role of the demoman, when it’s so obvious that it’s just a plain nerf. And if you felt that the pyro was balanced, why did you feel the need to nerf him too, by not making people instantly ignite?

it was already changed to where spies are the only ones that dont instantly ignite. And thats more of a spy buff than a pyro nerf imo.

And as for demo this is how we see it. Lets say you just capped granary’s second to their last. Now, theyve only got 2 up and you have 4 plus the med. you want to get in there before they respawn and you also want to cover the point from a backcap. You dont have time to fire 4, reload, and fire more before you go in before they spawn so you either have to stay back as demo or go in and hope 4 is enough to stop the backcap.

Of course thats just one example that i think shows rather well how we see demoman and our changes that we have made to it.


At first i was like :D then i saw the changelog and i was like >:(


And as for demo this is how we see it. Lets say you just capped granary’s second to their last. Now, theyve only got 2 up and you have 4 plus the med. you want to get in there before they respawn and you also want to cover the point from a backcap. You dont have time to fire 4, reload, and fire more before you go in before they spawn so you either have to stay back as demo or go in and hope 4 is enough to stop the backcap

U rly think one of those two players would try to attempt a backcap in that situation? Also, think about the attacking teams respawns, u think they wont be able to stop a backcap ;o


And as for demo this is how we see it. Lets say you just capped granary’s second to their last. Now, theyve only got 2 up and you have 4 plus the med. you want to get in there before they respawn and you also want to cover the point from a backcap. You dont have time to fire 4, reload, and fire more before you go in before they spawn so you either have to stay back as demo or go in and hope 4 is enough to stop the backcap

U rly think one of those two players would try to attempt a backcap in that situation? Also, think about the attacking teams respawns, u think they wont be able to stop a backcap ;o

you win, but my main point is that it makes clutch plays tougher when you have to sacrifice an attacker and a big spammer in order to defend amirite?


lol at sniper, you must really hate them

If the sniper can only do damage if he hits a HS
Change the sniper so it’s like every other FPS game Headshot = kill, no charging
so increase snap Headshots from 150 to 450 damage

Then again I think the project is a waste, let Valve do the balancing


Soldier is now very overpowered

we are currently looking into increasing snapshot damage from 150 to somewhere between 175 and 200 but that will take a bit of testing before we make a decision on what to implement.

and which feature do you think makes soldier overpowered?

Soldeir is overpowered because you’ve weaknd, Demo, and sniper, and removed fall damage,
also only increasing HS damage to 175 means a sniper will not be able to kill a soldier being healed by a medic, and will need a minimum of 2 head shots to kill a soldier it’s hard enough killing a soldier with 1 headshot, then a bodyshot/no scope.

Snap HS should = instant death (to all classes if body shots don’t count)

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