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ED Launches TF2 Nations

Created 29th June 2009 @ 21:46

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Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales are different countrys and should have different teams to be honest. I have no idea what the Faroe Islands are :DD but good luck to them!

Different countrys should have different teams.

Ask educated people outside of Great Britain, there are not different countries.
I guess no Sovereign state has accepted one of them as an own Sovereign state.

their education must be abysmal then; scotland, wales and england are separate countries.

it should either be team UK separate from team Ireland OR team Scotland, team Wales, team England, team Northern Ireland and team Ireland.



Man am I glad we fought for our independence, it’s really paying off now :DDD



“if we get more than 1 team per nation we will have pre-tournament qualifier as only the best of the best can complete.”

With this in mind I reckon you could do some sort of England v Ireland v Wales v Scotland playoff, and the most capable players, shown through their performance in the playoff could form the pool from which team UK is picked? Besides, what does it matter if ED is the host of UKeSA? They are not one and the same.


their education must be abysmal then; scotland, wales and england are separate countries.

Rly? then there should be ~30 countrys in North America too :D


Animal thats completely different. They are states. England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland have been seperate countries throughout history.

However, I still agree it should be team UK (including Northern Ireland) and Ireland.

England v Ireland v Wales v Scotland

Ireland is most definitely a separate country. NI, Sco, Wales and England is what you should be talking about Ireland is nothing to do with it.



Just thought i’d slip in that Wales is not actually a country, its a ‘Principality’. I don’t know why I felt an urge to type that..



Man am I glad we fought for our independence, it’s really paying off now :DDD

lol, you just never can see all the consequences of standing up to the british :D


Im sorry but are you lot taking the piss? Scotland and England and Ireland are DIFFERENT COUNTRYS they are not states or anything along those lines, your education is wrong if you where told that…

No one cares about wales :DD

Honestly though they are different countrys the United Kingdom is a group of countrys, Great Britain is a group of countrys. The difference is UK includes Northern Ireland and Great Britain doesnt (if i remember correctly).



Look, I am a pragmatist, it makes far more sense to me to lump the British Isles into Team UK and add some more countries, than to be all pompous and exclude other teams for the sake of a bit of indpendance.

Team UK was how it used to be. Why change it now considering that there is a team cap of 16? What if Team Wales or Team England or Team Scotland failed epicly without the combined force that was Team UK, due to not playing together much/not getting on in game/having to choose different people because certain styles clash- reflecting in a poor resulting performance. What then would you say to a team that was excluded from the competition, who given the chance may have performed better? If it is just a one-up for your country getting into the nations cup, then you are not doing it right.

That said the team cap should be increased to accomodate as many possible countries as possible (within reason). However, at the very least I would like to see Eng, Sco and Wls + Ire made into Team UK and Team Ireland + the other countries or Team ENG, SCO, WLS + IRE + other countries – or have some playoffs between eachother to determine each teams merit (it is a “best of the best” competition).


Hmm i see where your coming from but i think what ED means by the best of the best is the best of each country, you could have the best of the UK or the best of GB or whatever you want to call it but i would personally prefer a team representing scotland not just for the sake of being able to say “team scotland bet ” but because its nice to seperate it.

Could just aswell put all the Scandinavian teams into one big team… Its the same thing…



Just thought i’d slip in that Wales is not actually a country, its a ‘Principality’. I don’t know why I felt an urge to type that..

While that is all informative and what not, it doesn’t make much difference imo to it being able to participate in a nations cup. This is a game, not some official championship, I’d rather see 16+ teams (Whoops no Shitnazi ;x ) with a Team Wales etc than have just 16 limited teams or 16 teams with more countries involved but Scotland, Wales and England into Team UK. Diversity ftw :D:D

However, I am sure the number of teams is also limited due to arranging and organising constraints with larger leagues etc. meh, I am not gonna be in it anyway – the people that are participating the most will likely not be involved ;). I just hope the best will be made of it.



but i would personally prefer a team representing scotland not just for the sake of being able to say “team scotland bet ” but because its nice to seperate it.

See that’s where my problem begins. it’s hard to appreciate it when I am not in that position, but yeah I would definately want them separated too – just pester the OP until the nation cap is increased to facilitate all possible teams which can scrub up enough players :)


but i would personally prefer a team representing scotland not just for the sake of being able to say “team scotland bet ” but because its nice to seperate it.

See that’s where my problem begins. it’s hard to appreciate it when I am not in that position, but yeah I would definately want them separated too – just pester the OP until it is so :)

It is so :s



edited :(

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