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Promoting the Fresh Meat Challenge

Created 22nd March 2017 @ 20:57

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Hi people of ETF2L.

You all know about the Newbie competition we’re hosting by now, if not here is the link: http://etf2l.org/2017/03/18/the-fresh-meat-challenge-announcement-signups/


Tweet our Promo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MkVVqWNjs8

Upvote our Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/60pmli/check_out_the_fresh_meat_challenge_promo_video_on/

Tell people about the ETF2L Newbie Social Club (Thread will follow) – https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/60rkfh/etf2l_hosting_newbie_mixtrials_for_fresh_meat/

– Post everywhere you can and tell your friends!

Thank you for reading and appreciate any help we can get.

Thank you for the upvoting and any retweets.

Can I ask people to update this Reddit thread also: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/60rkfh/etf2l_hosting_newbie_mixtrials_for_fresh_meat/

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