Fantasy TF2
Created 4th May 2015 @ 12:12
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Yes, this is now my account (changed steamid etc)
I’m piloting a new feature on ESEA, weekly games. If you’ve made a bad start to the season or arrived late, or you just want to try a different build, now you can make a new team that will run just for this weeks games. Check out the ESEA schedule carefully to see who is playing.
To create your team look for the summary box to the right of the main season team and player list, which looks like this:
And hit Create Team to go to the usual team selection page. Details will show you who has currently created a team and what the player’s weekly scores are.
As with anything in beta this could be a bit buggy, let me know if you spot anything weird. If things go smoothly I’ll bring this in to ETF2L as well in the near future.
Updated with TLR vs Danger Dogs
On the friends list leaderboard it isn’t showing all my friends there. I can see plenty of my friends on the main leaderboard that simply aren’t there on my friends one. Anyone else get this?
also i just realised half of these people with the buddy icon next to them aren’t even on my friends list? am i missing something
Last edited by Permzilla,
Can we get a Points per Map per Dollar rating or would that make it too easy?
Quoted from Admirable
Can we get a Points per Map per Dollar rating or would that make it too easy?
Working on something similar. Probably not more interesting though.
Last edited by Gentleman Jon,
Quoted from Permzilla
On the friends list leaderboard it isn’t showing all my friends there. I can see plenty of my friends on the main leaderboard that simply aren’t there on my friends one. Anyone else get this? i just realised half of these people with the buddy icon next to them aren’t even on my friends list? am i missing something
This should be fixed now, anybody else with the sheer personal magnetism of Permzilla should have a lot more teams in their friends team page.
Some more bugs with uber counting were uncovered with this evenings Kritz fest, so I’ve gone back and updated the scores so far for medics all round. The big winner was Dikker obviously but also Beater who had loads of uncounted vaccinator pops.
I should have noticed that problem in the first week but he doesn’t have a swarm of angry russians checking his scores. Anyway, the upshot is some old scores have changed as well as just tonight’s specially if you have had Beater from week 1
The ESEA Week 4 game is over and the results are in:
First place is won by 5tv and his team $tvvvv, without picking a single Froyotech player.
2nd went to SentientRadio’s team Avocado
3rd place went to Debit To Team’s team, _ (nice name, also no Froyo)
Pixel trophies can viewed in all their glory here
The winning lineups just go to show the reward of studying the schedule and not always going with the biggest names.
ESEA Season 19 Week 5 teams can now be created here
ESEA Season 19 Week 5 home is here:
There was a bug with creating a team if you’d created one before. That should now be fixed. TY Permzilla
A lot of updates have been made in the last 48 hours so don’t forget to check in with your team to see how you have progressed
The Economy Update
The latest update means player prices will now fluctuate over time meaning that there is the opportunity to increase your budget by smart trading and to pick up better deals on players that aren’t widely purchased. The exact details of the mechanism remain secret, but generally speaking the players who are most popularly selected will rise in price and those that are least popular will fall on a weekly schedule. The first updates have been made! There is now a page dedicated to player price changes linked to from just above the top 20 player list for each Season on the homepage.
If you own a player rising in value on your team the conundrum is whether to sell and reinvest in spreading the talent more widely, and if the value of your squad is dropping do you hang in there or sell while you still can? Or will those players now become such good value they’ll rise in price again later? What level do you wait for players to drop to before you jump in?
This is experimental so adjustments to how it works may have to be made in the future. Please report any bugs.
I’ve added a small strategy guide for the confused. It probably doesn’t tell experienced fantasy game players much, but it should be useful for anyone who is a complete neophyte.
Last edited by Gentleman Jon,
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