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Russian HL mixes + MVM

Created 15th November 2013 @ 14:24

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Well, once upon a time, in the beginning of the world, even before colony mixes group had been created, some russians already had a steam group to play some HL mixes. In a hardcore way, without spreadsheet and mumble. This group is here:


The reason why I post this topic here on etf2l is because we had some hilarious experience playing mixes with both russian and english calls and it was fun (demsi can approve, cyka). Now we lack active players, so if anyone wants to have some fun and learn some russian – you’re welcome.

For gathering players we use google spreadsheet which may be found here:


(same email authorization system as colony mixes)

The skill gap between players does not matter at all – don’t be shy to sign up regardless of your division. Just remember – in the finest russian tradition we use teamspeak 3 (which is superior to mumble tbh, da).

The latest weeks HL part of the group was pretty much inactive and we started to gather some MVM coop, so if you want to try it out – feel free to join.

Thanks and cya @ tf2


24 July, 2009

pre engy update D:

Last edited by aura,

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