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Masterskils.eu European SoapDM server

Created 11th October 2013 @ 17:46

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dm servers= 6s fragging classes and purpose is to improve yourself. What is there to improve when you have snipers sitting in a corner far away from the opponents and constantly get hs and shifting his position. You gain nothing from killing the snipers. You only waste time and gain frustration.
Snipers serves only selfpurpose and thats for him to improve. with 6s fragging classes you and the opponent learn from each other like their air strafe, movement, positioning ect.
If you want to allow snipers then why not allow other off class like heavy and pyro?

Last edited by maidos,

I think maidos is right. Snipers really cause other classes to avoid open areas on dm.

However; a solution could be to give snipers spawntimes (I would say ~12 seconds).

Spike Himself


snipers are as much a part of 6v6 as scouts or medics, so I disagree with what maidos is saying – trying not to get sniped while fighting is also something that happens in 6v6

on a similar note, add medic :D



Quoted from Spike Himself

snipers are as much a part of 6v6 as scouts or medics, so I disagree with what maidos is saying – trying not to get sniped while fighting is also something that happens in 6v6

on a similar note, add medic :D

so is heavy and pyros but we dont see them allowed?
pyros is good to play against because their defense mechanism, so you would have to play differently. How about we allow pyros on dm servers shall we?

You can state as many reasons why a sniper should be in dm servers but it wouldnt be as much benefit than scout, soldiers and demo fighting each others. You fight against them more than you fight a sniper and killing a sniper is just waste of time in dm servers

Last edited by maidos,

Spike Himself





+1 on maidos
Snips just takes away the idea of DM imo.
Only fun part is dominating them over and over until they change class.


Quoted from Spike Himself


It does, in fact, not even exist.

So why would he put domain name he doesn’t use in hostname?

Last edited by CHERRY,



registered last week (with two ‘l’s)


Consulting Service ?

EDIT: This company he registered it in is few kilometers from my place :D

Last edited by CHERRY,

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