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Team 2 The Fortress: 6v6 Tournament

Created 3rd September 2013 @ 19:32

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You can read al this info and more at our website : http://users.telenet.be/t2tf/

Me and my friend decided to organise our own Team Fortress 2 6v6 tournament, called Team 2 The Fortress (T2TF) !

The Admins
In TF2 I’m known as ED-E and my friend vvaze, we both play for the UGC platinum team Digital Alliance and play in a (low level) 6v6 team as well.

The Tournament rules
– Team 2 the fortress will be a knock-out tournament and will go as follows:
– The teams will be matched randomly and play 1 map, chosen by the admins this map will be different for each round.
– Losers are knocked out of the tournament, winners continue to the next round.
– Next round the remaining teams will again be randomly matched and play 1 map, chosen by the admins.
– This goes on until 4 teams are left, the semi-finals and finals will be played best of three maps and the teams choose their own maps.
– Maps played will be: cp_granary, cp_badlands, cp_gullywash, cp_process, cp_snakewater, koth_pro_viaduct, koth_coalplant.

(per team, not team member)
First place : 6 keys
Second place : 18 ref (= 3 keys)
Third place : 6 ref (= 1 key)
Any else : consolation prize of 1 random weapon
If we get more teams to sign up than expected these prizes will rise as well, we don’t want to make any profit.

Singing up
What you need:
– 6 players (no shit sherlock)
– 3 refined (1/2 key) buy-in

What will be useful:
– 2 substitute players
– your own server (without adds, because players have to do rollouts)

To sign up all you have to do is choose a Team Captain and have him send an e-mail to [email protected]. The e-mail should include:
– Teamname and tag.
– the roster of your team (subs included if you have them).
– avatar or team logo.
– Steam id of the team captainin case we need to contact him and to pay the buy-in.
– Your favorite TF2 hat.
– If you play competitive, please add your division as well.

Match rules
Use common sense: no hacking, be polite, respect each other, no ghosting, and above all, have fun ! YES, having fun is a rule, problem?
It is a 6v6 tournament using etf2l rules which means:
– only allowed unlocks are:
– Gunboats
– Escape plan
– Pain Train
– Boston Basher
– Ubersaw
– Kritzkrieg
– Blutsauger
– Overdose
– Crussader’s Crossbow
– You can check the whitelist here : http://whitelist.tf/etf2l_6v6.
– win difference is 5 and max map time is 30 minutes.
– only 6 players in each team and no spectators allowed except for admins.
– a team can be 15 minutes late, the opposing team can allow for 15 more minutes before they have a default win.

Both team captains mail the results to our email adress ([email protected]) and we will post them in the steam group.
If the tournament takes off we will make an automated system to submit the results online for future tournaments.

We will provide a mumble server, again only 6 guys per channel allowed (admins are gods and don’t fall into the category of “guys”)

The semi-finals and finals, and perhaps some randomly chosen other games will be casted on the twitch chanel twitch.tv/vvaze

American players
American teams can sign up as well, we will try to keep them seperate on american servers in the first rounds. But when they play against european teams the server will be european.

I hope you are as excited as we are to get this tournament of the ground !

You can read al this info and more at our website, I mean, seriously, check our website, IT HAS HATS on the team rosters !

Greetz : ED-E


As a team leader, can I get all of the 6 keys myself if my team wins?

Last edited by Setlet,



Quoted from Setlet

As a team leader, can I get all of the 6 keys myself if my team wins?

Well you could if you want. But it’s better if you share with your teammates no ?



Quoted from 1pt


Well you could if you want. But it’s better if you share with your teammates no ?

Absolutely not, team mates are usually assholes.


UbeR |

Quoted from Bulow


Absolutely not, team mates are usually assholes.



Quoted from Bulow


Absolutely not, team mates are usually assholes.

Well that’s itsallgood for you! But sure Bulow if you win you can have them all :>

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