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TryhardHosting.com - new server provider

Created 18th July 2013 @ 21:52

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Hello all,
I had a lot of spare time and decided to start new project.
I finally finished everything bought server and I am ready to start selling servers.

I’m not doing this for money, I would be happy if income will cover expenses.
Server is located in Roubaix, France at OVH datacenter (same location as Tryhard Brigade servers) which I decided to choose after checking ping of ETF2L players.

I’ve made intuitive easy to use management site which lets you install SourceMod and ETF2L config in few clicks.

For now I’m only selling CS:S, CS:GO and TF2 servers, but if there will be any demand I will consider adding other Source games.

I set prices to the 0.55 for private slot and 0.75 for public slot.
Private servers must have passwords. Don’t remove it or your server will got locked.

So if you have any questions add me on Steam or write here.



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