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Spain National Team Live Stream // twitch.tv/tf2portal

Created 18th July 2013 @ 11:32

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Hi there!

One of the things I suggested if I would be the Spanish National Team Captain is that I would make available a stream which the spanish community (tf2portal) could follow and enjoy our trainings and matches live.

I know that (probably) all of you don’t understand or speak Spanish, but I’ll bring it to you as well in case someone wants to follow our results or watch some of your favourite spanish players (most of the Splendid-Gaming players) or unknown but upcoming players from the country!

It’s not a cast, but a live stream with mumble comms, such as broder streaming.

Also, thanks to Arie that added our streaming to VanillaTV/ETF2L bar.

Streaming is brought to you by old-Mister medic Cuspide and Rubeen, normally on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 20:00 onwards!

Spain National Team: http://etf2l.org/teams/307/
Stream link: http://www.twitch.tv/tf2portal

Cheers! :D

Last edited by caeli,



Going live with pcw vs. Beachboys with Nations Cup Rules, 21:15 against Czech Republic!!! KTJ and Cuspide casting!

Last edited by caeli,

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