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ESA Ozone Open Cup #3 on Sunday, July 21 @ 16.45 CEST

Created 17th July 2013 @ 20:41

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The TF2: Ozone Open Cup #3 with 32 slots kicks off this Sunday, July 21th, at 16.45 CEST. By changing the semi finals to a “best of 1” maps series, it is possible to start the tournament later than the previous ones, which seemed to be an issue for many teams. Please let me know if this is better.

Following last week’s Team Fortress 2 update, which included balance updates for several weapons, the following weapons will be added to the unlock whitelist (no love for the scottish cyclops, sorry):

– The Quickfix
– The Black Box
– The Winger
– The Gloves of Running Urgently
– The Cozy Camper
– L’Etranger
– The Short Circuit
– The Scorch Shot

More unlocks will be added (or removed, if they turn out to be horrible) in future ESA cups.

Premium Payout Explanation

The prize pool for this tournament is £100 (top 8 payout) and uses Premium payouts, which means you are only eligible to win a money prize, if you have an ESA Premium account. The prize pool is based on the number of Premium subscriptions and can be increased by simply buying a Premium subscription for yourself. If you do not have a Premium account, you can still compete for the Ozone Gaming Gear hardware, that is up to win for anyone, Premium or not.


ESA tournaments are using a check in system. Only teams that checked in will be added to the tournament bracket. The check-in starts on Sunday, July 21, at 15.45 CEST and lasts until 16.30 CEST, after which the brackets will be generated. If you miss this deadline, you can not play in the tournament. Only one member of the team has to check in the team.

ESA AntiCheat
Over the past months, ESA has developped its own AntiCheat tool, which will become mandatory soon. It was already tested in for CS:GO and many bugs have already been ironed out. The requirements to hardware and internet are minimal and should not mess up the game’s performance. To optimize it for TF2, it needs to be used and bugs need to be reported.

To improve this tool, ESA needs your help. This tool won’t become mandatory for at least another 2 weeks so please use this time to test the tool in cups and report any bugs or issues to ESA staff (if possible with screenshots). If it is absolutely not working for you, please get in touch with an admin and explain your issues as good as you can (if possible with screenshots). This tool runs on Windows systems only.

ESA AntiCheat requires no installation, you can just download the tool, start it up, log in with your ESA login credentials, enter your match ID (which can be found e.g. in the URL of the match page) and click “Start Scanning”. Please make sure to make yourself familiar with the tool and what it does. For example, you should not leave any confidential or sensitive information open while the tool is scanning, because it takes automatic screenshots of your screen. Only run it during matches.

More information and the download link can be found on the AntiCheat information page.

For questions, pop in at #esa on Quakenet or just ask in here.



If the signups stay this poor, (12 at the moment), the slots may be decreased to 16 tomorrow noon and the tournament start will be moved back by one hour to 17.45 CEST.

Please remember to use the AntiCheat tool and report all problems. Also, if you ever wanted to find out how the standard 6v6 plays with a little more unlocks, this is your chance.

There may be many reasons for the poor turnout (good weather, the schedule, the unlocks, the seeding). I am guessing that a lot of lower skilled teams still do not fancy being seeded against a top team in round 1 to get stomped. However, the tiered tournaments kicking off in August require teams to have played at least a couple of matches (or they will get no ranking). If I was hosting a couple of smaller tournaments during the week for low- and mid ranked teams only (and unranked teams whose skill I will judge myself) so you can all play a few matches and get your team ranked for August, would you play in these?



AnimaL can you do me a favour and look into the ac tool?
signed up~



Quoted from CanFo

If I was hosting a couple of smaller tournaments during the week for low- and mid ranked teams only (and unranked teams whose skill I will judge myself) so you can all play a few matches and get your team ranked for August, would you play in these?

My team would play these so long as they weren’t on non-standard maps or with too many unlocks (though quickfix is fine).



16 signups now, looks like I can leave the cup size as it is but the top seeds will probably get a first round bye again.

Re lower tournaments: I will set up some 8 team tournaments with skill limitations tomorrow and bump this thread when I’ve added them.


(ETF2L Donator)

whoooo made the AC?



Quoted from Sideshow

whoooo made the AC?

A member of the ESA staff. He is CS:GO admin and goes by the name of zgrav.



Sitting at 21 signups now, assuming all teams check in (15.45-16.30 CEST), the slot count will remain at 32 teams and the top 10 seeds or so get a bye for round 1.



Hoping we have fun.



Check in is open! https://esagamer.com/tournaments/55



All the VanillaTV VODs spanning the entire cup: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lXoZVXeq8s&list=SPayp9cpOkRhM2xv8DFZnfsF1gb7JEPCC0


(Toucan Ambassador)

I noticed (after the cup had started) that 3 of the unlocks tested are already banned in ESEA (GRU, Short Circuit and Cosy Camper). Would the ESEA ban list have been a good place to start?



Maybe, Admirable, maybe… The GRU, however, is an unlock that has been specifically asked for.

I will watch the VoDs from the semis and the final later but in the meantime, here are a few questions to the people who played yesterday.

– Which unlocks (apart from the “standard” ones) did you use? Which of the unlocks you used were useful/useless/OP?
– Did you use the AC? Did you have any problems using the AC?
– How was the schedule and how would you change it to improve it?

(I will also gladly accept pms, especially from players of Epsi/broder/infs)

Also, we’ve created a 4 team bracket fun cup for tonight (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) for low and mid teams. Kuferl will help out with these cups.
Tonight’s low bracket is already full (assuming all teams check in), the mid bracket still has some slots. “Obey the Brave” and “Dangerous IQ” signed up for both brackets, I have approved you for “low” now, let me know if you want me to change that. I will not allow any higher skilled teams in these tournaments so if you want to be matched against equally skilled teams, please sign up. Teams I would consider “low” are allowed in the mid bracket, but not the other way around.
We might add some more tournaments during the next days (depending on our own schedule for this week’s evenings) so please check out the tournament page frequently: https://esagamer.com/tournaments

If you want to participate in the skill tiered tournaments in August, I strongly advise you to play a few matches at ESA. Only ranked teams will be allowed in the tiered tournaments and to get ranked, your team needs a few (7 or 8, I believe) matches under its belt!

Last edited by CanFo,



I’m concerned that if you stick with single elimination tournaments and your own rankings, it will be hard to separate teams. 7 or 8 first round defeats might be offputting for ‘low’ teams, and ‘mid’ teams may be hard to discern. You get tons of data on top teams.



Quoted from fraac

I’m concerned that if you stick with single elimination tournaments and your own rankings, it will be hard to separate teams. 7 or 8 first round defeats might be offputting for ‘low’ teams, and ‘mid’ teams may be hard to discern. You get tons of data on top teams.

Double Elimination takes a lot more time than Single Elimination, unfortunately. Do you think this will still be an issue for the ranked tournaments that are starting in 2 weeks? Because I don’t.

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