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Team Colonslash looking for 6v6 team!

Created 6th July 2013 @ 19:26

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Spike Himself


Howdy, fine people of ETF2L!

Team Colonslash are once more looking to add a new team to their ranks.

If you are a team looking for a free server, you can stop reading now, we are not interested in you :)

However, if you are a team interested in socialising with other players and becoming part of a fun and eventful community, please, do read on <3

What you can expect from us:

TF2 servers
We have a dedicated server box, located in Roubaix, France. Each of our teams has their own TF2 match server hosted on this box. Team leaders are the owners of their team’s server and are 100% responsible for what happens to it. That is to say, you are free to play lobbies or mixes on your server, but we don’t appreciate you lending it out to people outside the community.

We have a 2000 slot mumble server that is also open to the public. Each of our teams has their own channel in which the team leader has full admin rights (and is as such free to grant others the same rights). As with our servers, it is entirely up to you what you do with your channel. Our mumble server being open to the public, though, does mean that we have a very strict abuse policy and we are not hesitant to take out the ban hammer should we see fit.

STV demos and automatic log uploads
We have a neat little web interface where all of our STV recordings can be found. Each of our teams gets their own directory so it’s easy to find your STV demos: http://stv.colonslash.eu/
Our logs are uploaded to logs.tf automatically thanks to TFTrue.

What we expect of you:

Skill: You are currently at a Div 5 level at minimum. We are currently interested in 6v6 teams only.

Stability: You have a team history of at least 1 full ETF2L season (without having dropped).

Socialising: You like to hang around on mumble before/after games and participate in community events. Don’t be a bunch of dicks. Also bonus points for i-series LAN attendence (no, we won’t pay for your tickets).

Language: A good 90% of our community is British. On mumble we speak English amongst eachother. We want to talk to you, and we want you to want to talk to us. In English.

Attitude: We are pro-active people who like to get things done. We put effort into getting games scheduled and do not sit around waiting for default dates. We are here to play games at a competitive level, and we appreciate that our opponents are of a similar mindset. As such we treat our opponents with respect.

Solidarity: We are a community, not a collection of random teams. We sport the TC tag and custom made avatars to signify solidarity and pride.

Team Colonslash does not have sponsors. Everything we have and do is paid for and run by volunteers. Should you so wish, you can donate to us through our website or via paypal :>

If you’re interested in a trial period with us, email us at recruitment at team-colonslash dot eu. Please do not add me on steam!

Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Spike Himself,


Added on steam.


UbeR |

edit; nvm

Last edited by quell,

Spike Himself


Damn you huhy.



but i want a free server

Spike Himself


Bump because edit :)

Skill: You are currently at a Div 5 level at minimum. We are currently interested in 6v6 teams only.

Stability: You have a team history of at least 1 full ETF2L season (without having dropped).

p.s. Highlander teams look here: http://www.ugcleague.com/forum/showthread.php?9842

Last edited by Spike Himself,

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