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Created 9th June 2013 @ 17:41

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TF2Profiler Userscript

Over the last couple of months I’ve been creating a website to make it easier to find out information about groups of players. It’s still buggy, though seems working and stable enough now to ask for people to help test it.

Basically I want a website where I can paste in a console log of the mix I’m in and know that the other team are a mix of a div 4 team and div 5 team with a prem scout offclassing. In the longer term I want a site where I can search for a group page and see that half of the etf2l hl team I’m playing against next week used to play in the same div 3 6v6 team, most of them are also in a silver UGC hl team, their average hours of gametime is 2958 and their sniper has 5098 hours total and has spend 88% of his last 1049 hours sniping.

I’ve also created this http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/169861 userscript to make it easier to cross reference comp tf2 sites.

I’m self taught and pretty out of my depth, so apologies for broken stuff.

Ideas/feedback/criticism welcome.

UserScript Changelog

v 0.63 - Added https support for steamcommunity.com. Added few more backpack/trading type sites and tf2logs.com. Should auto update now. Thanks to https://userscripts.org/users/redshift for fixes and cleanup.

v 0.62 - Added Friends Playing TF2. To view this, go to the friends page
[url]http://steamcommunity.com/id/popcorp/friends[/url] of any profile and click 'Show Friends Playing TF2'.

v 0.60 - Added options to display what sites/other changes to show. They can be accessed on any profile page with the extra links, or on the userscript homepage.

v 0.59 - Fixed a bug where the hide event on .profile_summary_footer on steam profiles was firing after the show event (only happens on greasemonkey, not tampermonkey)

v 0.58 - Added 'View on game-monitor.com' button on Steam profiles if play is on TF2. Will find something better for this at some point.

v 0.57 - Changed TF2Lobby button on lobbies to make use of new TF2Profiler feature.

v 0.56 - Added arrows next to ETF2L forum names to show popup with links to other sites.

v 0.55 - Looking into options code. Fixed error on matching wrong steam url.

v 0.54 - More fixes to steam profiles. Shows box now on older profiles.

v 0.53 - Fixes to steam profiles of when to show the full summary. Hid 'View More Info'

v 0.51 - Fix to etf2l player pages.

v 0.47 - Added links to Wireplay profiles, change to Wireplay search (link to
search on other section).

v 0.46 - Added wireplay to links list.

v 0.45 - Worked out stupidly easy way to add full player summary to steam
profiles. Added it.

v 0.43 - Added sizzlingstats and ESEA to link list (requested)

v 0.41 - Added steamrep to links list

v 0.40 - Reverted steam stuff, changed to popup div

v 0.38 - Added links UGC (until they break it)

v 0.16-0.37 -
Added links to TF2Lobby lobbies and profiles, ETF2L profiles
and teams, steam profiles
Added TF2Profiler, ETF2L, UGC, logs.tf, TF2Lobby, TF2Stats, TF2items
to links list

v 0.1 - Added link to TF2Profiler on tf2lobby.com

v 0.1 - 07/06/13

Last edited by kugs,



Been playing around with this, it’s very cool.


This is pretty awesome, great work



Now this, this is fucking genius.



the slow ass stats pages aren’t as slow ass anymore

also the other sites on etf2l profiles are shown twice

anyhwo good job, really like it

Last edited by quintosh,

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Amazing job!


Quoted from quintosh

the slow ass stats pages aren’t as slow ass anymore

also the other sites on etf2l profiles are shown twice

anyhwo good job, really like it

Noticed they’re fast now a couple of days ago. Thought I’d leave that bit in though as the frustration from it was a driving force :P.

Do you mean with the userscript? Is only showing once for me. Does it still do it if you are logged out of your admin account?


Added userscript changelog to parent and bumping this as made quite a few improvements/fixes (especially to the steam profile stuff). Planning on adding options to it shortly as some of the links/changes aren’t really relevant to everyone. Are there any other sites that would be useful adding to the list?


UbeR |

cool stuff, keep up the good work:)


Updated the userscript to v 0.6 http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/169861. Now has options so you can select what links or changes to pages are shown. They can be accessed on any profile page with the extra links, or on the userscript homepage. Also recently added the extra links to names on ETF2L forum posts, and a game-monitor.com module to profiles on steam community if they are on a TF2 server.

Last edited by kugs,


Oh god this stuff is awesome! Thanks for doing this! :D


This is awesome! Great work!

Loving the script even more than the site, it works perfectly!

Keep up!


Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I make more use of the script than the site as well at the moment :P. Once I get around to adding more info to the site it’ll cool to fetch the data for the script (display all your teams and hours and whatever else wherever there’s that steamid).


Quoted from kugs

Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I make more use of the script than the site as well at the moment :P. Once I get around to adding more info to the site it’ll cool to fetch the data for the script (display all your teams and hours and whatever else wherever there’s that steamid).

actually you got some nice ideas as well… I have this obsession with checking people hours on tf2 and respective classes before officials against them, so something like that on the website that makes a quick background check to the teams and displays each player by previous comp experience and ingame hours for each class would be really really useful!



wow great project! -_- Good job

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