Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

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Bonk'd, a new TF2 Podcast (revitalized!)

Created 11th May 2013 @ 23:08

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Quoted from EmilioEstevez


@_@ wut

Stereotyping somebody based upon their nationality is racism.

Are you implying that inbreeding and teadrinking could only be tied to English people? I find that rather racist tbh..

Besides, I think you guys missed the part where I clearly said it was a jest and that I was being sarcastic, no? ;)

Last edited by demsii,


Quoted from demsii


Are you implying that inbreeding and teadrinking could only be tied to English people? I find that rather racist tbh..

Besides, I think you guys missed the part where I clearly said it was a jest and that I was being sarcastic, no? ;)

Making racist jokes still normalises racism. We don’t need racism in the TF2 community. Please apologise.



looks cool

Last edited by Mundi,



Quoted from Ryushi


This aimed at me? I casted the finals. The only reason I sound surprised when I casted you was cause you beat a few teams that had a much better season than you. you showed your real skill in the playoffs. So all I was basing it off was what you had done previously… if thats a crime fight me at lan.

yeah, that didn’t really bother me, our season was mostly pretty shitty.

but laughing at 3rd place silver team for losing a map when you’re in div5 or whatever? really?



Quoted from SmitZ


Making racist jokes still normalises racism. We don’t need racism in the TF2 community. Please apologise.

I sincerely apologize if you took any offense concerning my comment that you seem to tie to racism. It was not meant that way and I will try not to disappoint you in the future, my friend across the pond ;).



well, this certianly sparkled more interest than any of the other episodes!


Quoted from Linus

well, this certianly sparkled more interest than any of the other episodes!

Quite frankly I can’t tell whether it was good or not. I hate creating arguments – I always feel horribly guilty.


Quoted from teej!


Quite frankly I can’t tell whether it was good or not. I hate creating arguments – I always feel horribly guilty.

All publicity is good publicity.



“Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.”

Drinking tea and fucking your sister are not “attributes” that classify you into a biological group. So while demsii seems a bit butthurt he was right in that what he said wasn’t straight up racism.

Spike Himself


Ignore demourge, he hasn’t added value in any way, shape or form in any forum post he’s ever made. He’s only out to troll and get a reaction out of people, and you’re giving him exactly what he wants.


Quoted from Hallow

“Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior.”

He used cultural stereotypes (aka tea-drinker) to insult Hildreth. These insults bare no relevance to the man himself but were simply used by demsii because Hildreth is English. He had no real grounds to actually insult Hildreth as a person, so he had to resort to petty racism (keep in mind I am in no way trying to defend Hildreth here, I am purely trying to educate demsii).

Quoted from Hallow

Drinking tea and fucking your sister are not “attributes” that classify you into a biological group. So while demsii seems a bit butthurt he was right in that what he said wasn’t straight up racism.

It seems to demsii that these attributes (inbreeding and the drinking of tea) are English stereotypes. While typing his racist comment, demsii didn’t seem to mind using these unfair stereotypes to insult another player.

Get it now? He used an English stereotype to insult an English player, simply because of his race. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant, as what demsii did is the definition of racism. You don’t have to say “He’s English therefore he drinks tea!” for it to count as racism. If I called you a “surströmming-eating viking,” that would still be racist, whether or not I said “because you’re Swedish.”

And frankly, abuse such as this should not be allowed on ETF2L, even if the insult in question is a joke. Racism shouldn’t go unpunished.

TL;DR: The comment left by demsii fits the definition of racism and it shouldn’t be tolerated.



Quoted from SmitZ


He used cultural stereotypes (aka tea-drinker) to insult Hildreth. These insults bare no relevance to the man himself but were simply used by demsii because Hildreth is English. He had no real grounds to actually insult Hildreth as a person, so he had to resort to petty racism (keep in mind I am in no way trying to defend Hildreth here, I am purely trying to educate demsii).


It seems to demsii that these attributes (inbreeding and the drinking of tea) are English stereotypes. While typing his racist comment, demsii didn’t seem to mind using these unfair stereotypes to insult another player.

Get it now? He used an English stereotype to insult an English player, simply because of his race. Whether you agree or not is irrelevant, as what demsii did is the definition of racism. You don’t have to say “He’s English therefore he drinks tea!” for it to count as racism. If I called you a “surströmming-eating viking,” that would still be racist, whether or not I said “because you’re Swedish.”

And frankly, abuse such as this should not be allowed on ETF2L, even if the insult in question is a joke. Racism shouldn’t go unpunished.

TL;DR: The comment left by demsii fits the definition of racism and it shouldn’t be tolerated.

man hes trolling no need to write massive walls of texts lol



Quoted from Hallow

Drinking tea and fucking your sister are not “attributes” that classify you into a biological group. So while demsii seems a bit butthurt he was right in that what he said wasn’t straight up racism.


“racial discrimination” shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin


Quoted from rytis

man hes trolling no need to write massive walls of texts lol

I am completely aware that he is “trolling.”

Quoted from SmitZ


Making racist jokes still normalises racism. We don’t need racism in the TF2 community. Please apologise.

This hasn’t changed in the past 20 minutes. Racism is still unacceptable behaviour.

Last edited by SmitZ,



Quoted from SmitZ


I am completely aware that he is “trolling.”


This hasn’t changed in the past 20 minutes. Racism is still unacceptable behaviour.

wtf then

Last edited by rytis,

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