Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


Community vs Pro's 5 is here!

Created 3rd April 2013 @ 02:43

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“The battle that will pierce the heavens is here! Community vs Pro’s is back on it’s 5th battle Man vs Machine! On May 4th, 9 community members will battle it out against the AG invite team! With the help of Dranearian, Twitch TV,Teamfortress.tv and End of Reality this promises to be the best show yet! Please enjoy the promo video by ikpure and the famous posters by Goldenhearted! You can also help spread the word with our custom CvP TF2 sprays!

The Rabbit Hole Community (TRH) has donated a prize for the event as well as the traditional AG prize of $60 to a lucky player on each team. If you would like to donate a prize to the event please contact me via steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/nahanni/

I want to give a huge thanks to the TF2 community members who have helped train up the community team with practice. If you would like to help and lend a hand to this momentous event we practice every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30PST/7:30MST/8:30CST/9:30 EST.

Promotional Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXmTkjpZqgU
Poster: http://www.abload.de/img/manvsmachineposteraksdh.jpg
Community vs Pro’s Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/cvsp
TF2 Spray: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?zi19ajrbkzm9nu9#

See you all there!”


Promo video and poster are awesome :D


RaWr ::

I agree with the above comment!



Man the production value of the promo and poster are miles ahead of any amateur esport (can we call ourselves semi-professional already? :D)…

Great stuff



Tl:dr? :( my eyes are all blurry :D


Quoted from alba

Tl:dr? :( my eyes are all blurry :D

the title.

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