Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


Tonight on BlackOut TV @ 21 CET: Unbelievably Brave Sweethearts vs [< 3]

Created 30th March 2013 @ 10:10

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Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

I thought I would make a new thread for this one as it’s a big game :)

Tonight’s cast is a Division 1 match between UBS and [<3] on pl_upward!

Live @ 21 CET Saturday 30th March on BlackOut TV

Since Season 2, UBS have been steadily moving up in the EU scene with an iron fist of dominance against every division 2 and 3 team they've encountered. With a win against Max Play already under their belts this season, they'll be looking to make it 2 in a row.

However, standing in their way are [<3], who have been equally as impressive, beating the all-star NA cast of Dick to Fat Ratio on Week 1 map Gravelpit, and almost causing an upset against Colony in the Season 3 secondary playoffs which has solidified them as a contender for the Division 1 title this season.

Tonight's cast will be brought to you by Jon on the streaming duties along with One Round Wonders superstar Jake and .Org head honcho Ryushi on his casting debut!

Match Page: http://etf2l.org/matches/40691/

Unbelievably Brave Sweethearts Roster: http://etf2l.org/teams/14811/
[<3] Roster: http://etf2l.org/teams/8678/

Reddit: http://redd.it/1baoar

Last edited by Russian Guyovich,

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

VOD is up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2dSmwBwBKw

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