Note to all PASS Time Cup Participants: All Mercs have to be approved by your opponent. There are NO Default Mercs in the cup. You are allowed 1 Merc per game. Usual Merc rules apply.

There is also a known issue with the whitelist not working after changing the map, please use rcon tftrue_whitelist_id 14555
Dear teams and players, for the upcoming Highlander Season 32 (Summer 2024), we also have a poll form we would appreciate you to fill out to help us make decisions for the season. You can find and fill out this poll form Here.


TeamFortress.tv presents SNSD v Ginyu Force - NA v EU Highlander showmatch #2

Created 7th March 2013 @ 06:07

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Main article here: http://www.vanillatf2.org/2013/03/na-v-eu-highlander-showmatch-2-snsd-v-ginyu-force/

Little info – SNSD and Ginyu are facing up for another EU v HL showmatch, I may try to make these every new ETF2L season. The match will start at 22 CET (4pm EST, 1pm PST) on Saturday March 9th and will be casted live on TeamFortress.tv by DJC and Admirable with huhy streaming.

Maps will be Badwater, Gullywash and Lakeside if needed, rules will be ETF2L (best of 3 Badwater, 30 mins, winlimit 5 on Gully and best of 5 rounds for Lakeside. Unlocks will be the same as UGC with the exception of Beggar’s Bazooka, the server will be NY to keep it as fair as possible under the circumstances.

Last edited by Hildreth,


UbeR |

Unlocks will be the same as UGC with the exception of Beggar’s Bazooka

Good choice.

Gutted I can’t play but now SNSD have an excuse if they lose.



Ah that’s gonna be a nice match, excited ;)


Of course there should be a showmatch EU vs NA at the start of every season…

Ideally it should be at the start of every UGC season, because UGC is the main Highlander league and it should be used as a comparation between the HL scenes at the start of every season.

Anyway, can’t wait for it :D



i doubt that in eu ugc is the main leauge, at least in higher divs.



We have more signups for Season 4 than there are in UGC EU currently.

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

Quoted from Permzilla

We have more signups for Season 4 than there are in UGC EU currently.

lol telt


UbeR |

Quoted from Hildreth




Quoted from Russian Guyovich


lol telt



Quoted from Permzilla

We have more signups for Season 4 than there are in UGC EU currently.

still, collectively UGC moves a much bigger player base than just ETF2L HL, and it would be a awesome promotion tool for both the league, the HL scene and both sides of the pond scenes.

Quoted from Linus

i doubt that in eu ugc is the main leauge, at least in higher divs.

Never understood why tbh, UGC is much more organized in the sense that they have a much more interesting map pool every season (even if that means completely new out-of-the-box maps) and a coherent ruleset (not saying etf2l doesn’t have a coherent ruleset, just that UGC as a much more experienced league, has it better).



Yes, because it covers more than just Europe?

doesnt matter anyway



I can say that we simply don’t have time and interest for two leagues.

Russian Guyovich

(Surging Meat Cable)

A bit off topic, but BlackOut Gaming are running a showmatch scheduled a few hours before this:


The streamer is new to streaming TF2 but this will be good experience for him, so tune in if you’re bored during the evening.

Quoted from Permzilla




Last edited by Russian Guyovich,



Quoted from Russian Guyovich

A bit off topic, but BlackOut Gaming are running a showmatch scheduled a few hours before this:


The streamer is new to streaming TF2 but this will be good experience for him, so tune in if you’re bored during the evening.



Damn Scots thinking we know their slang!

Offtopic: More signups for Season 4 than there were in Season 3, good job guys ;)

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