Quoted from Jarppa

Doesn’t surprise me at all.

The picture I got at the Assembly Summer 2012 was simply that no one wasn’t interested (or didn’t have time) on administrating a tournament at the party, even though there apparently was a search for people on #tf2.fi.

Even if Assembly would’ve been interested on having TF2 tournament at WASM, the question probably still would’ve been if there was people for organizing it.

(Correct me if I’m wrong.)

You’re sort of right. Organising it wasn’t a problem since we offered to do bassically all the work anyway.

The only problem ASM had with TF2 was attendance. It’s supposed to be a high-level invite tournament and yet we were scrabbling together mix teams 2 weeks in advance just to fill an 8 slot tournament.

When I spoke to them the initial impression was “we’d love to have a tournament as long as you can assure that’s no longer the situation, but we’re not sure how it’ll go with sponsors”. The guy i’d been in contact with seemed pretty disappointed he couldn’t make it happen.

From a sponsorship perspective, the world of esports is a different planet from what it was 2 years ago. When we originally started to get big at i-series, had ASM going for us, etc,,, FPS was king and there wasn’t really a wide range of games. Starcraft was a phenomenon almost entirely localized within South Korea and the MOBA genre was only taken seriously in China.

Now, as a sponsor, you have a whole range of possible games. A major LoL tournament will break 6 digit viewership without much effort, major SC2 events pull 20k+ on a weekly basis (and the community is very big on sponsorship worship), and then you’ve got Dota 2 starting to kick ass and take names.

Sponsoring any one of these events will give you much better exposure for your money than sponsoring anything short of a summer i-series or a major LAN like ASM or Dreamhack. What we have is a large casual community that could potentially be converted into viewers given the right set of circumstances, and that’s what we’ve been trying to appeal to with sponsors.