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Continuity Gaming server announcement + stress test

Created 12th September 2012 @ 09:41

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A few days ago we got a new dedicated server. And now I got a few things I want/need to do.


1. Stress test

I wanted to do a stress test on the old server already but never got around to it. So I’m doing it now for the new one.

Basically I just want to see how many full TF2 servers I can run at the same time without any performance issues. I want to test 10 – 12 servers, depending how many teams want to help out. This would be happening today. So far I got 3 teams signed up for this.
How this will work:
Basically just have teams playing normally around normal PCW times (20-22cet). It doesn’t mean teams all have to start playing at the same time. As long as I have all the planned servers in use for a while at the same time it’s fine. If the servers lag etc I won’t just tell the team to get off and find a different server, that would be mean. I will give them a server from our old box to use for the night.
If this doesn’t work for some reason (I don’t get enough teams signed up etc.) I’ll try filling the servers tomorrow during the day with people willing to help/pubbers etc.
If you want to help (free server for the night!) contact me (info at the bottom of the post).


2. IP change and service migration

As some of you might know I’ve been offering mumble space/tf2 servers/ftp space. Here’s a couple things you might need to know if you used our servers before or want to do so now:

– New IP: or con-gaming.net
– New location: France.
— Ping wise etc that doesn’t really change anything for the majority of people. UK people might see an improvement though.
– All the files and settings will be deleted. If you want anything copied over (STVs/demos/etc) you have to contact me (info at the bottom of the post) You have time till the end of the month.
– Fresh mumble server installation: if you want to have a channel + admin (even if you had one on the old server) you have to contact me


3. Old server

The old server (located in Germany) will stay online till the end of the month. All the services will stay active on it till then. After 30.10 I cannot copy anything over anymore so if you got something on the server you’d want back make sure to contact me about it before then.

I’ve been contacted before about the servers running on the old server before. Apparently some people (mainly those from outside Europe) have fairly good pings on those servers (70-90 instead of over 100) and asked to rent or borrow a server from us every now and then. I can keep the server online if I get some teams to rent a server from me (at least 6 and at least 4 have to be on the German server otherwise it’s not really worth it). Check below for more info on server rental.

If I get enough teams torent a server so I can keep the old server alive I will also be conducting a stress test on it sometime.


4. TF2 servers rental

Originally I got the server for Continuity Gaming purposes only (servers, mumble, website). However I got plenty of space left on the server so I decided to rent some servers out (which also help my wallet a great deal). Here’s the deal:

Default settings:
– 13 slots
– 10 STV slots
– Control Panel (coming in the next few days)
– (Semi)Public access to STVs/logs (with password if desired)
– Location: France / (Germany)
– 1 evening test period
– 10€/month


5. Contact info

Steam – my friends list might be full, I’ll try to clean it up.
– e-mail [email protected]
– IRC: quakenet #Continuity


Also if someone wants to help me with our website that would be much appreciated!

I think that’s all.
– Datenshi


1. Need teams willing to stress test servers today (free server for 1 night)
2. IP changes for mumble/game servers etc
3. Info about the old server
4. I’m renting out servers
5. Contact info
6. I’m bad at making websites, need help
The end.

Last edited by Datenshi,



Our mumble is the best mumble. Truths.



I’m going out for a meal later but if I’m back in time I can do some highlander lobbies on one if that helps =)

Cheers Oxy that will definitely help.

Little bump for tonights stress test.



Quoted from Enef

Our mumble is the best mumble. Truths.

TC mumble is the best mumble :>



Quoted from Drackk


TC mumble is the best mumble :>





The inaugural MUMBLE WARZ tournament starts tonight, featuring the best from around the EU.

Team Colonslash, Continuity, nervousENERGY and Fakkelbrigade go head to head in a double elimination tournament to find the best mumble server in Europe.

Tickets go on sale from today, so don’t miss out on this fabulous competition, be the first to grab yourself a ticket and message Monkeh with your bank account details and he shall remove the appropriate fee from your account immediately.

May the best mumlerz be victoriouz.



Quoted from Monkeh


The inaugural MUMBLE WARZ tournament starts tonight, featuring the best from around the EU.

Team Colonslash, Continuity, nervousENERGY and Fakkelbrigade go head to head in a double elimination tournament to find the best mumble server in Europe.

Tickets go on sale from today, so don’t miss out on this fabulous competition, be the first to grab yourself a ticket and message Monkeh with your bank account details and he shall remove the appropriate fee from your account immediately.

May the best mumlerz be victoriouz.

They all seem pretty aids mumbles



Then let it be a battle between aids mumblez then, it’s all aids gravy.



Quoted from Turbo


They all seem pretty aids mumbles


sick servers , ill buy the germen server , the price is really good and the quality is even better ^^
gl datenshi

Last edited by kasabubu,

Stress Test kinda failed, only had 4 servers running full at the same time… Oh well.

In other news: all the servers now come with a control panel.

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