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Does Not Suck MGE

Created 24th August 2012 @ 00:44

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\V/ Gold

In short: The only server you want to play MGE on.

* Soldier only / Scout only
* Latest ETF2L Whitelist
* Smooth
| * Map refreshs every 4 hours
| * Server restarts daily
| * Beasty server (located in GER)
* Division check of players (!div in chat)
* No retards
| * Because stats are disabled
| * And lamers will get banned
* People being afk will be moved to spec / get kicked to not block arenas

connect ntraum.de (Direct link: steam://connect/ntraum.de) – Soldier Only
connect ntraum.de:27025 (Direct link: steam://connect/ntraum.de:27025) – Scout Only


Last edited by nTraum,


the divs plugin is really cool
nice server


(ETF2L Donator)

Thats getting used tomorrow, nice work :D


who cares about the !div thing, finally an MGE server with good ping to the Jewland.


Quoted from Trath

who cares about the !div thing, finally an MGE server with good ping to the Jewland.

located in germany…. oooh youuu


Can I play if I don’t play competitive?



Finally, not a laggy MGE!


\V/ Gold

Quoted from Croogah

Can I play if I don’t play competitive?

I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t. :)


Quoted from Croogah

Can I play if I don’t play competitive?

I let you, if you promise to play nice.


UbeR |

In my opinion it shouldn’t be soldier only, I like a good game of demo versus demo or versus scout some time, so I don’t think you should block those classes.
Also I think the ranking system is sometimes a better way to tell if someone is at equal skill level, and sometimes it can be fun to compete for MGE POINTS!!! But hey, it’s your server ;)

Last but not least: maybe add a !admin or !report command so you can more easily know who should be banned and whatnot.




Quoted from MightyMe

In my opinion it shouldn’t be soldier only, I like a good game of demo versus demo or versus scout some time, so I don’t think you should block those classes.
Also I think the ranking system is sometimes a better way to tell if someone is at equal skill level, and sometimes it can be fun to compete for MGE POINTS!!! But hey, it’s your server ;)

Last but not least: maybe add a !admin or !report command so you can more easily know who should be banned and whatnot.


but there are so many mge servers that allow all classes, why can’t there be one server that is solly only? Points are useless.


\V/ Gold

Quoted from MightyMe

In my opinion it shouldn’t be soldier only, I like a good game of demo versus demo or versus scout some time, so I don’t think you should block those classes.
Also I think the ranking system is sometimes a better way to tell if someone is at equal skill level, and sometimes it can be fun to compete for MGE POINTS!!! But hey, it’s your server ;)

Last but not least: maybe add a !admin or !report command so you can more easily know who should be banned and whatnot.


Thanks for the input so far. Your recommendations would basically lead to another lethal-zone-like MGE server (but with better performance :>), which is not what I wanted to achieve. I was quiet unhappy with how all the other mge servers are (in terms of performance, unlocks [sticky jumper / rocket jumper, yay great fun], classes [sniper vs soldier], cocky opponents playing for nothing but the points) and that’s why I roll with a more ‘vanilla’ approach.

If there’s such demand, I could open a 2nd mge server easily, but I guess there are already enough of these out there.



Man this is awesome! Brilliant! Thanks!



Best MGE server, danke.

Don’t even consider adding points, people can check divs most of the times if they wanna know the skill-level.


\V/ Gold

What do you think about creating another 2 servers for scout and demo only?

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