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Angel's Corner - Ultiduo Cup #8 CANCELED :(

Created 3rd July 2012 @ 09:26

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Quoted from Spike Himself


Throwing money around is now a respectful load of work that requries a lot of effort.

I think it’s a very respectable and very welcome help to the community, you would say the same about sponsors, whether it is league or team sponsors

If anything angel’s better because he is not promoting any brand or himself (at least I don’t see it that way). If he has the money, he likes the game and he wants to help the community that’s excellent and way more than 99% of what other people do



Quoted from Spike Himself


True, and I’m not saying we shouldn’t be thankful for it, but “awesome job” is taking it a bit far when really all he does is recklessly throw money around.

There are people in this community who have done tenfolds of what is displayed here in this “look at how much money i have everyone!” thread, who don’t get a tenth of the recognition they deserve, if any at all.

Angels contributions are very easily understood and visible, the same cannot be said for everyone.

If he choses to celebrate his achievements, events organised, causes helped, one random act. Then why cannot these unnamed people do the same? Or someone do it for them?

You reduce arranging 15 or so cups, not including other games he is involved in, down to pissing money up a wall basically. If we removed the money equation would your sentiment be the same? Or is it now just a man trying to grab some thunder.

If these unnamed people are to be celebrated then sell them to the community, because I for one, through being to dense or just not being in the circle jerk, do not know who to name when it really comes down to the whos whos or “I’ve done a shit load for TF2”.

I did however help get Chris pissed in honor of his configs…

Some Russian mob connections are really helping tf2 :D

Last edited by Turbo,


Quoted from Turbo

Some Russian mob connections are really helping tf2 :D

How are you not banned.



Quoted from Gubbins


How are you not banned.



Thanks Angel! :D


I see interest in the 6vs6 Nations Cup. Team Russia playing pcw’s like a hungry animals. And I can offer some kind of green food. So:

1. Winner of the 6vs6 Nations Cup will get $ 1234.

2. One person which I’ll choose by random who correctly predict (in this thread) two teams in the Grand-Final and winning team will get $ 321.

Important note: you CAN edit your post till July 15, 20:00 CEST.

/* edit: rule No 2 */

Last edited by Angel,



Quoted from Angel

I see interest in the 6vs6 Nations Cup. Team Russia playing pcw’s like a hungry animals. And I can offer some kind of green food. So:

1. Winner of the 6vs6 Nations Cup will get $ 1234.

2. First person who correctly predict (in this thread) two teams in the Grand-Final and winning team will get $ 321.

England vs Germany final, England taking it.



Finland v England, Finland to take it.

Last edited by freshmeatt,



England v Germany. Germany win


Small note to all: all posts with editions will be ignored. Good luck!

Quoted from Gubbins


How are you not banned.



finland vs sweden = finland



Finland VS Sweden. Sweden wins


spain vs england

spain win

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