Steam Mobile!
Created 26th January 2012 @ 21:27
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Who ever gave me a key, you sir are a legend
Quoted from Edd
taimou tv, if you don’t know how to spell taimou it is T A I M O U tv
didnt get it :(
Last edited by Croce,
invite sended :D
dunno but i got steam chat on my phone for ages. (
so this is absolutely nothing exciting.
Steam Mobile is now free to all.
iPhone users:
Is this actually working for anybody.
When I open the app, I can chat to people fine, but if I close the app or lock the screen I get no notifications through when somebody messages me, and then when I open the application again, I still don’t receive any of the messages and then nobody can see what I type to them. This apparently isn’t a problem on android.
Quoted from Linus
i read on the steam forum that this is a known issue and is being worked on.
Links or it didn’t happen. Please
Quoted from CUBE
iPhone users:
I stopped reading at this point.
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