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#bballtf2.pickup opened!

Created 19th September 2011 @ 22:15

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\V/ Gold

A plenty of matches has been played today! Join and enjoy some bball guys!

Last edited by nTraum,


You should lower the respawn times by a few seconds. 2on2 gets boring after a while since most of the players play passive plusback style because it’s the easiest way to win.

Even public 3on3 on spa’s servers is more enjoyable even though 75% of the people there are full of shit.


\V/ Gold

So far you are the only one who thinks so. If more people vote for this I’ll change it.

GameServer was offline yesterday, had to restart it manually. The bot is back online. Class limits and weapon restrictions are now present on the server:

Solider only, Equalizer allowed, other shit weapons are blacklisted. :)))


\V/ Gold

Improved the bot. It now supports the ‘!afk’ command similiar to pixel’s bot that let you mark yourself as afk. It will asks you to prove your presence by typing ‘!ready’ in the channel before the match starts.

Also, we still need people in the channel.

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