Created 13th July 2011 @ 15:41
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Need 3 more teams to make it a full competition!
Credit to some of the lower teams signing up.
Quoted from Admirable
I’d like to play if anyone is short :>
Cancel that, going to cast instead :E
what happens now?
I think it starts at 7gmt/8cet, or in one hour.
Hey guys!
Thanks a lot for participating yesterday!
If it isn’t too much hassle, do you guys mind posting feedback on our forums here?:
This way we know what you guys thought of yesterdays cup, feedback, and how you think we can improve it for the future! So that we can host you guys more cups with prizes :)
whats with the awful ping to your french server? i ping 100ms to it yet i get 45ms max to ESL french servers, and as far as i know, all latvians had same problem… any finns had this too?
Last edited by AnimaL,
Quoted from AnimaL
whats with the awful ping to your french server? i ping 100ms to it yet i get 45ms max to ESL french servers, and as far as i know, all latvians had same problem… any finns had this too?
Post it here:
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