nervousENERGY Fun Server
Created 15th April 2011 @ 00:15
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as it says on the tin… we’re hoping to have this server randomize the plugins it loads while we work on that you can enjoy warioware plugin!! it’s epic nervousENERGY Fun Stuff
if we get it working it’ll alternated each day randomly between saxton hale mod, warioware and more….
nervousENERGY going huge as usual :))
nice one, will be checking it out later in the week!
Update broke it… :( It’s fun when it’s running tho’
Give it a try. Humbug reckons he should get it fixed tonight…but that sounds like working on a Friday so I wouldn’t hold my breath :D
i doubt this server will be up anytime soon as there is no longer an exception for the flag which is what the attachments plug-in was using.
sweet, Ive heard good things about that saxton hale mod thingy :)
cheers once again NE !
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