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Alienware Cup #3 Team-Dignitas

Created 4th April 2011 @ 20:13

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Hey it’s funday sunday!

Last edited by agron,


rockit like

Bump, join up. All you have to do is write ur team in the comments. EZZZZZ






The priority is on div1-6 teams, if enough div 4 or whatever teams join the cup, all premier teams will be excluded

so join up, more the merrier, more likely to win some candy money



really want to enter but the time of day is too early for us. :/ mix anyone?


Signed up for funday sunday! Now how will I do the podcast while playing …


rockit like

if 32 teams are not met, I am quite sure this will be the last tournament by alienware/dignitas. Signup, make a mix team. Dignitas wont be participating in this tournament but most of us are willing to be the 6th player in your team or mix. Just ask, and get excellent insights from one us. Best one being Agron and you will learn all about incredible tactics which will work 100%.

My favorite so far: “Wait inside choke/house in badlands till they are all capping the point. I will type something and when they start typing back, we´ll STRIKE!”

This and much more.



gonna try and get my team leader to have us join. I don’t believe in us getting very far but I think it’s important to show these sponsors that tf2 does have players that want to play cups and that this is an active game. gogogo if not for winning then atleast for the sake of the game :)


Just a suggestion, if you’re gonna settle with 32 slots instead of 64 which is gonna reduce the match count by 1, can you postpone it to like 18:00/18:30? I imagine more teams would be able to fit it into their schedules then.

Also include something along the lines of what agron said in your op darn, could persuade more teams that are too lazy to browse this thread, imo.

Last edited by hurr,

When does the signup close?



should be able to mix/merc for the cup


Quoted from antyjc

should be able to mix/merc for the cup

Prolly as well


30 teams, just sign up guys, I will prolly only have 3-4 players online at that time anyway, USE MERCS.



Quoted from Menace

30 teams, just sign up guys, I will prolly only have 3-4 players online at that time anyway, USE MERCS.



Can still merc for some decent team

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