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fragnatik tf2 cup #1

Created 4th April 2011 @ 15:08

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The reason why we are upset is because it wasnt a deliberate rule break, I assumed it was allowed as we were using etf2l config but it was my bad for not reading the rules. It’s not like we chose to use paint train because we are evil bastards and want to win this game by cheating and it’s not like we were losing in the first place. And I understand that we were late but I did pm alien in irc and nothing was posted in irc about our game being late. Tbh it would have been a more interesting final if we got through as it wouldnt mean fragnatik got an easy game to put themselves into the final.

Tl;dr next time make sure you have some admin who isn’t playing to monitor the cup and make sure people are playing at the right time. And as for rage, what was the point you were 200% going to lose the next game… Such soar losers.



I’m utterly gobsmacked this conversation is still going on. Everyone has repeated themselves enough now, surely.

GG better luck next time.


TURBo,u are sweet boy now :) I understand u complitely and such misunderstandings like yesterday wont happen again :).I think we can close this thread and stop explaining this situation 100 times.


lol,Monkeh :DDDDDDDD u wrote same staff


As I feel I have contributed mainly to this conversation and offered the most important input therefore I would like to have the last word, which will be:-

Last edited by Swarlz,



Swarlz wins this thread. Congratulation!

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