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WantedGoV.IT | Team DeathMatch (SOAP)

Created 15th February 2011 @ 18:06

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about the map list: all maps are still there http://imgkk.com/i/1d9i.png , but koth_viaduct is the default one and the server switches to that if there are too few players

about the original: who really cares?

about afk players: reduced the time for them to be moved to spectators

about the slots: make a donation to get reserved slot. We have been keeping this server online for more than 2 years, and I think we got ~10 € out of it…

about Cunlico: thanks for being useless, as always

Last edited by Jocker,



Quoted from Jocker

about the map list: all maps are still there http://imgkk.com/i/1d9i.png , but koth_viaduct is the default one and the server switches to that if there are too few players

Can you make badlands or something default map then? So it changes to badlands instead of viaduct?

about afk players: reduced the time for them to be moved to spectators

Awesome, thank you!



Quoted from Jocker

about the original: who really cares?

I care ._.


nNT ≠

Viaduct is default map, oke, but…right now just joined in DM server and the timeleft to change map is 52 mins ._. There’re something wrong in rotation system. Imo, you should remove viaduct.

Last edited by Squirry,



Allow original, and make it so that only headshots can damage.


Quoted from Jocker

about the map list: all maps are still there http://imgkk.com/i/1d9i.png , but koth_viaduct is the default one and the server switches to that if there are too few players

about the original: who really cares?

about afk players: reduced the time for them to be moved to spectators

about the slots: make a donation to get reserved slot. We have been keeping this server online for more than 2 years, and I think we got ~10 € out of it…

about Cunlico: thanks for being useless, as always

You know me so well



Quoted from Leif

You know me so well

I think he is commenting that fact that I just added a OP, asked for an admin, then added Jocker and told him about this thread, while you were – in his eyes – doing nothing.



Just edited the default map plugin, it should fix the lengthy timeleft reported.
I didn’t have a chance to test it, if something is wrong please let me know and use the rtv chat command to change map.

Quoted from ash


I think he is commenting that fact that I just added a OP, asked for an admin, then added Jocker and told him about this thread, while you were – in his eyes – doing nothing.

we know each other, he has me on his friends list and I’ve got steam always online. He had several alternatives to send me a message (steam, forum, facebook, have someone else contact me), but wrote here that the server may stay in this state until September.
I’ll be away for 3 months, but I’m still on this planet!


Can you do the sniper thing, please?



this gameserver is currently under a reflected DDOS attack of ~450K packets/s at ~130 MB/s, so it might temporarily disappear from the servers list, but the gameplay shouldn’t be affected (it is absorbing the attack using only half of its CPU core, leaving the other half to regular playing).
When I’ll have some time I’ll try to add some firewall rules to block it (damn you CS:GO and TF2 MvM updates!)


nNT ≠

>>>Remove koth_viaduct from map pool

>>>Make like a balance. I just finished playing where we were 2 vs 4 , you could do like when there’s like a big difference between score of both teams, swap members or something.

>>> And disable snipers unless is 4v4, makes no sense.

Last edited by Squirry,



My favourite bag, when you’re soldier and you got balanced to other team, so have to go as a scout, you become a scout with rocket launcher. Killing maschine. <3

Last edited by Katerfas,



Quoted from Katerfas

My favourite bag, when you’re soldier and you got balanced to other team, so have to go as a scout, you become a scout with rocket launcher. Killing maschine. <3

i once played sniper and kinda the same thing happenend… just that i had 25 rockets


My fav things once got stuck on engy and lvl3 SG got like 25 kills on dustbowl and everyone was like GTFO this is DM server and noob.



Server crashes at each map change. And please remove viaduct from the mappool, no one wants to play that. Replace it with process if you want but viaduct sucks.

Last edited by Khronus,

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