Tonight, we are taking a break from the regular 6v6 casts as we are announcing our first ever Highlander Cast! At 21.00 CET, one of the first ETF2L Highlander Challenge Cup matches will go live, and we wouldn’t want to miss that action!

TF2 TV will go live around 20.55 CET with an introduction from Pledge, after which Hildreth and Sheridyn will take over his task and cover the exciting game between the two teams from tonight: Choupinou and Romania Green Syndicate.
The map will be played on the maps Upward, Gravelpit and possibly Viaduct.

You can follow the Stream on or you can join the action on Mumble ( and STV (connect

We’ll be planning on more Highlander Challenge coverage over the next few weeks, so stay with us and follow the news on all of this at

– Pledge