Win $100 - ESH: La compétiTF & Angel's Ultiduo Cup
Created 4th November 2010 @ 15:11
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way too few slots for a cup like this
Quoted from vroni
way too few slots for a cup like this
Because we play this cup with best-of-three (BO3) system. So time of one match can reach up to 30 minutes. Participation of 128 commands will result a very long duration of a Cup.
Now new teams can signup to backup or they can to wait a same Cup, which will be in December, but with other rules.
well its only 2 guys in a team, i think anyone should be able to waste 30min before pcws for this cup
Quoted from AnimaL
well its only 2 guys in a team, i think anyone should be able to waste 30min before pcws for this cup
With you and mineral its most definitely wasting time :D
Quoted from Koeitje
With you and mineral its most definitely wasting time :D
good thing you didn’t enter (:
Slots is expanded to 128. 73 teams have already registered. Welcome, Swifty, cookye, Hat and others!
Top American soldier coL.TLR from compLexity Gaming joined.
MyGamingEdge Training Mod 1v1 Tournament – 1st Place:
Can we have some more lower div players join please? :D
C’mon it’s just some fun!
The brackets used to be awesome – Team Batman and Robin Vs Team Starsky and Hutch. This amazing game has been split up. :(
Two unique in-game medals from Valve are waiting for the winning team.
First match used to be scheduled for 18:00 CET. Now it’s 20:30 or something. May I ask why? Old date was way better.
Quoted from kurt
First match used to be scheduled for 18:00 CET. Now it’s 20:30 or something. May I ask why? Old date was way better.
There was a mistake. We have fixed the time. Because always all cups (on ESH or somewhere else) are playing from 20:00 cet.
This time is final: in every day of this Cup first matches will be played @ 20:00 cet, second @ 20:45 cet, third @ 21:30 cet.
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