Assembly Winter 2011
Created 31st October 2010 @ 16:53
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Preliminary schedule:
17:00 – 02:00 Group A
11:00 – 14:00 Group B
17:00 -> (~00:00) Semifinals & Bronze & Final
In fairness WASM is always the smaller event.
So shut the fuck up and attend :E
Yeah marco, stfu and attend, or I will smack you in the face.
ASM Summer is maybe something like three to four times bigger as an event than ASM Winter. These prizes are pretty much the same as last year at Winter, but of course I think we all hoped for a bit more.
Tf2is died
Who gives a fuck what the prizes are?
It’s like Darn said in The Well, we need a landmark LAN event this year and at the minute we are pushing for DreamHack.
DreamHack need to see that we have an active and willing community of LAN players.
This notion of “oh we wud go if teh monies wuz gud” will be the death of TF2; we don’t have the luxury of picking and choosing which LANs to attend.
You either want to believe there is a future for the game and throw your chips in the pot or get the fuck out! I’ll fucking be there covering that shit at WASM, at MAXLAN, at i-Series, so you useless bastards better fucking well be there too… FUCK!
Last edited by Admirable,
But, what is a LAN without alcohol?
Call me sad. I call myself a romantic.
Besides, power’s gonna take it again this time so it’s not like any of you/us/me/he/she would see the big bucks anyway.
Crying about teh moniez is detrimental for tf2 at this point. Your sponsors, if you have any, wont be sending you into a lan just for the prize. If the lan is well organized, has good teams attending, the value lies in the PR. If all the good teams come, the winner has the bragging rights. And that’s what your sponsors want. Not 10% out of a 4000e prize or something.
EDIT:You have to sell WASM to your MGO. What dignitas has always wanted from diggy is pictures, vids and similar content that gets views and hits on the mgo site. We got sent to Dreamhack Winter as well even though the prize was 6×24 cans of energy drinks…
And it’s easy as fuck to come and play in WASM.
1.The Omena Hotels that i linked to earlier cost like 50 euros per night per room, are situated 10 mins from the venue, right at the smack central of Helsinki.
2. It’s a fucking TUP. You come, you play. Dreamhack for example wont be a TUP and it’s not so conveniently placed. If you cant come to WASM, how in the hel lwould you be going to Dreamhack, dragging your PC’s in a sled behind you?
3. No alcohol? Sure you can’t drink in the venue, or be “totally wasted d00d” in front of the organizers. But funny how that didnt stop darn/vallone from being absolutely shitfaced on the stage during the finals last year. Moral of the story, you can drink, just dont puke on your keyboard.
tl:dr. Come to wasm.
Last edited by agron,
Quoted from agron
Besides, power’s gonna take it again this time so it’s not like any of you/us/me/he/she would see the big bucks anyway.
Crying about teh moniez is detrimental for tf2 at this point. Your sponsors, if you have any, wont be sending you into a lan just for the prize. If the lan is well organized, has good teams attending, the value lies in the PR. If all the good teams come, the winner has the bragging rights. And that’s what your sponsors want. Not 10% out of a 4000e prize or something.
Besides, it’s easy as fuck to come and play in WASM.
1.The Omena Hotels that i linked to earlier cost like 50 euros per night per room, are situated 10 mins from the venue, right at the smack central of Helsinki.
2. It’s a fucking TUP. You come, you play. Dreamhack for example wont be a TUP and it’s not so conveniently placed. If you cant come to WASM, how in the hel lwould you be going to Dreamhack, dragging your PC’s in a sled behind you?
3. No alcohol? Sure you can’t drink in the venue, or be “totally wasted d00d” in front of the organizers. But funny how that didnt stop darn/vallone from being absolutely shitfaced on the stage during the finals last year. Moral of the story, you can drink, just dont puke on your keyboard.
tl:dr. Come to wasm.
What?! Me and Vallone shitfaced. Completly untrue, lies. Just very happy to play on the mainstage.
It’s gonna be LEGEN—- you know.
Would be fun to go with a team, you know – if i had one. :[
Quoted from Defur
Would be fun to go with a team, you know – if i had one. :[
You can be in Team Badmirable, living large in the press area!
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