Made In Germany Rally Under Blight Banner
Created 22nd October 2010 @ 21:30
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After the split between TLR and Marco alongside his all German team mates they have been on the search for a new organisation. Which, today has been finalised! Made In Germany, EX-TLR have become part of the massive organisation that is Blight-Gaming!
The full article can be read at:
Don’t believe anything this div 4 jew says.
edit: atrox bashing aside.
This is a big move, gonna be very interesting to see if it makes the eu/na divide smaller.
Last edited by LikeThis,
Cool fucking shit to see an American brand here, but everytime I think about it I remember it’s still TLR, i.e. still euro style.
Good luck mates!
Quoted from LikeThis
This is a big move, gonna be very interesting to see if it makes the eu/na divide smaller.
How? There’s been an european blight team before anyway.
Quoted from LikeThis
This is a big move, gonna be very interesting to see if it makes the eu/na divide smaller.
How so? There was a blight team with m0re and co. only 6 months or so ago.
Atrox div 4? I lol’d.
<3 you my wearwide cat.
Interesting move, hope it works out for them.
I didn’t play tf2 comp 6 months ago :(
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