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The Launch of TF2 TV !

Created 21st October 2010 @ 15:48

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i think its a great idea having lower div games (not bias or anything), as monkeh pointed out it is pretty useful knowing what higher level players think of your plays, and allows you to know what your doing well and what you can improve (pyro push from last?).

It also gives lower div games a bit more edge and excitment to them (the players)and a bit of a “claim to fame” that they may never get as the teams may not be above div 3/4/5/6. Also, if your looking for excitement from a game….does a cap in the final second not count as a decent climax to a game? Fair enough the high div teams are more organised, but alot of the lower/mid div teams balance eachother out, so the skill might not be there, but the match is sometimes more even and more exciting to watch if people gave them a chance!

apologies about my typing, just in from work and can barely feel my fingers!

Last edited by t1gr3,


Quoted from d2m


The clue is essentially in the words chief.

Constant casting of premiership games, whilst I’m sure is super exciting, doesn’t really give any focus on other divisions or allow the coverage of the other 95% of the playerbase of TF2.

That’s why we’re casting various levels. You’d be surprised how exciting some of the lower division games can be – if it’s not your thing, fair enough…but plenty of people do enjoy it and as such we will continue to cater to them.

Hope that helps to explain it more :) As I said before if you want to talk to me about in more depth – you’re welcome to!

P.S. I lost my JimmyBreeze card so I used a line from ‘The Demourge guide to posting on ETF2L’, sorry for any confusion between brands x

Fair enough.
@P.S: Both products are of doubtful quality, hard to distinguish between them indeed :3



Quoted from Dummy

Oh, I didn’t mean that it would be boring – just think about this, if there’s a premiere/div 1 game going on as this was supposed to, then doing this game would (in theory) cancel out atleast some of the div 1, div 2, div 3 playerbase due to it being a lower division game. My only point is that a higher division game attracts more attention.
Not too sure what the ‘promote all levels of tf2’ means, but (probably missing some crucial point here like an idiot) it would be better to promote a relatively better game

Please stop posting. I think its a good thing, as Monkeh said it can be very beneficial for the team and its nice to see a lower div game for a change.

Hope you guys can cast that game for when they reschedule!


Quoted from JimmyBreeze

Can I just ask what’s a Jimmy Breeze card and how can I get one???

You well know what i mean in that context (and i cant think of a witty response)


Quoted from lolage


Please stop posting

my opinion, presented it in a good manner I hope, no need to get angry over it.



No honestly I have no fucking clue what you mean.


Quoted from JimmyBreeze

No honestly I have no fucking clue what you mean.

What i meant is – not that you’ve done it – saying that the other person is wrong because they’re a nobody (like me) in the community while the person saying that did something valuable to the community (like D2M). Not saying that he said that, but it was slightly hinted upon – or it’s just my paranoia :p



He must be referring to the book. http://knifeback.tgq.nl/wiki/images/f/f3/Book.png



Thanks for letting me cast tonight guys, sorry if i stepped on any toes talking over people, was a lot of fun none-the-less!

I think there is benefit in casting games from all skill levels. Teams of similar skill levels can compare strategies more easily and find more meaningful ways in which to step up their game. A div 5 team can watch another div 5 team play and use the opportunity to spot the misplays made by both sides, and a div 6 team could watch that same game to learn how to get a better presence in mid fights, or how to form a better push/defense. Equally, teams can listen to the cast after they’ve played and use the analysis to improve their teamwork. While a premier division match may be interesting to watch for new teams, if they are looking for ways to improve their current game, it’s not the best source to go to in my opinion. I don’t really see the drawback to TF2TV’s open approach to casting.

Basically, the way I see it,
Watch premier/div 1 games for entertainment.
Watch slightly higher/similar skill games to learn how to improve.

That’s not to say you can’t learn anything from the top teams in the game, but I think you learn the most when watching teams similar to your own, because you can spot the mistakes they make and the successful strats they run more easily (because the skill barrier is not so much of an issue).

Plus, as was pointed out before, all games have the potential to be exciting (or boring) to watch. Don’t immediately dismiss lower division games because of the absence of airshots.



Quoted from Dummy

What i meant is – not that you’ve done it – saying that the other person is wrong because they’re a nobody (like me) in the community while the person saying that did something valuable to the community (like D2M).

So I haven’t done that, yet you refer to that as “playing the jimmy breeze card”? Yep, pretty sure I still don’t understand.



Quoted from JimmyBreeze


So I haven’t done that, yet you refer to that as “playing the jimmy breeze card”? Yep, pretty sure I still don’t understand.

ah shit

Last edited by octochris,



nah, thats called “a Nightbox”.


Quoted from Skyride

nah, thats called “a Nightbox”.

aye, this fits it better



Quoted from Mark

He must be referring to the book. http://knifeback.tgq.nl/wiki/images/f/f3/Book.png

I would buy that!

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