Win £250 - ESH: Kingston HyperX Battle
Created 29th September 2010 @ 20:43
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So we had some spare money: :)
ESH are launching a quick tournament, the Kingston HyperX Battle. Sign-ups are open now, but be quick, because this tournament starts in 6 days, on next Tuesday! (And ends next Thursday)
It might be a bit short notice, but it was either that, or not run it. If you can’t join this tournament, just join the next one ;) Despite all that, I’m sure we can reach 32 teams.
Also, we’ve gone over our rules and changed quite a few. Please read the announcement to find out what changed.
Happy fragging~
Also, for those that didn’t know yet. You can now create (and admin) your own user-generated cup at esports heaven. (it’s the blinking “host a cup” button). For example some russian dudes used it to host their, pretty popular, scout 1v1 cup, and for the cup.
Use it as you please, but remember: A cup stands or falls with the activity of it’s admin(s). :)
nice to see so many cups with prize money :)
ESH: Kingston HyperX Battle Announced
good stuff yo, sign up boyos
Nice! The tournament already is half-full. (Or half-empty for the pessimists)
Only 11 spots left. Get them while they’re hot!?
But deNeus, you are hot! xD
(yes ppl sign up nao!)
2 days till the tourney starts, 8 slots to fill. If your team hasn’t got anything to do coming Tuesday, feel free to sign up!
Allright, it starts this evening at 20 CEST. I’ve still got a few open spots for the interested teams.
Or come find me on IRC/Steam.
Quoted from DeNeusbeer
Allright, it starts this evening at 20 CEST. I’ve still got a few open spots for the interested teams.
Or come find me on IRC/Steam.
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