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HolyShit ! Public Servers (DM/MGE/Mid-Air)

Created 28th September 2010 @ 12:04

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Hi :)

The dm has been up for a while now (with some downtime tho, sorry) and I’ve been adding/deleting servers so now that I’ve “stabilized” those I thought I’d make a new post :)

– HolyShit ! Public Team-DeathMatch :: holyshit.fr:27025
Deathmatch – 10 slots
Scout/Soldier/Demo: limit 2 – Sniper: limit 1 – everything else: limit 0
Mapcycle: cp_gravelpit, cp_granary, cp_badlands, cp_gullywash
All unlocks are blocked.

– HolyShit ! Public Mid-Air :: holyshit.fr:27035
kammomod – Soldiers only
Mapcycle: duels_midair_v2
All unlocks are blocked.

– HolyShit ! Public MGE-Mod :: holyshit.fr:27045
MGE Mod – 16 slots – synced with pixelgaming stats
All unlocks are blocked.

If something is broken, missing, etc, feel free to tell me here :)

Last edited by Peio,

They’re up again (fu valve).



The mid air server seems to be password protected – you might want to fix that ;)

Fixed it, sorry :p


nice to see the server up again! =)



Please turn ammo regen (after kill) back on the dm server

Last edited by dr.Justice,

Unlocks should be blocked again. Tell me if it’s not working (if anyone reads this thread anyway).

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