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PixelGaming.eu :: MGE Training Mod Servers

Created 21st September 2010 @ 02:38

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Ye, the new statistics we’re bringing in are things that actually matter in the real world (weapon accuracy, average damage per shot, etc)



Quoted from herpderp


Or just remove points all together. If people want to prove they are “the best” you could always host some sort of MGE Tournament for that.

This basically, I wonder if you ever considered doing that.



Do it!



Ranking for warmup games is funny



Remove points, stops all this faggy bs play people employ, COZ 5000 POINTS ON MIDAIR AND AMMOMOD MAEKS UR PR0 GAMEZ!



Quoted from freshmeatt

This basically, I wonder if you ever considered doing that.

It was discussed a lot when MidAirMod was hitting its peak of activity. Not sure who can do it though, i think its down to the mod creators to do it maybe? Idk, whoever CAN do it, doesn’t seem interested in doing so.



Quoted from Enef


It was discussed a lot when MidAirMod was hitting its peak of activity. Not sure who can do it though, i think its down to the mod creators to do it maybe? Idk, whoever CAN do it, doesn’t seem interested in doing so.

If you have access to the source code of the mod it shouldn’t be that hard. Seeing as it’s based on ELO rating I doubt it’s anymore than a few lines of code to calculate how many points you win/lose based on the ratings.

I am intrested in the extra statistics though, gives you a better idea of where you need to improve probably.



Quoted from herpderp

If you have acce.ss to the source code of the mod it shouldn’t be that hard. Seeing as it’s based on ELO rating I doubt it’s anymore than a few lines of code to calculate how many points you win/lose based on the ratings.

Well ye, exactly. I personally like the stats (it doesn’t fantastically fuss me personally, but I find it a nice fun addition to the mod). Removing the stats wouldn’t be particularly simple to do, but that said the code is available via SVN on google code if you feel like modifying it. As pointless as it would be imo, I don’t see Lange being particularly bothered about it



have to agree with skyride here.. just because the rating system is there doesn’t mean to say you have to pay attention to it or be bothered about it… i’m not!

I am interested in the extra stats thing that you guys are doing though skyride

Last edited by humbug,



It’s not really the stats thats the issue, the stats are fun.

It’s when people become so obsessed with them that they don’t play properly and use stupid tactics to keep their points.



Humbug, the new stats system will be standard in mgemod v0.0.4, I’ve just been involved in the development of it. Lange has a few other things he’d like to add, so it’ll be released when those are done. :)

Stats though, you’ll always have retards who care about pointless crap. ITV makes a cool £3 million at least on the voting lines from the X-Factor every week. This is just the same thing on a smaller scale.

Last edited by Skyride,



nice, looking forward to v0.0.4, any heads-up on when it will be released ?



Quoted from humbug

nice, looking forward to v0.0.4, any heads-up on when it will be released ?

Nah, Lange is working on it when he has time, wouldn’t be too long though. I’m working on a new stats page (own subdomain and shit!) and that’s just about done.



Finally got some NL servers back up, should have NL servers up for sale within the next couple of days and anyone who requested it previously should be moved over within the next 24hrs.




Right, was speaking to Lange earlier and I’ve got a beta release of the v0.0.4.

tl;dr of the changelog is a shit ton of bug fixes, a few nice little changes, a new version of the map, and the awesome new stats system. Logs things like weapon accuracy, meatshots, airshots, etc,,, pretty cool to have a little look at.

This however does mean that we will need to start a clean slate with the stats though, so jump on now and get your point whoring underway and such! :P
However if you are still playing on server using the old stats database (nervous energy, pingtimeout, etc,) it won’t affect them at all.

(Note to any server owners on the old stats system, please please please speak to me before upgrading to this new version if you plan to do so, I’ll need to set you a new database config and it will make a complete mess of things if you try to use the new system on the old database).

The new map (mge_training_v3) is on Fast Download on my servers, but if you still want to download it now, heres a link: http://mirror2.pixelgaming.eu/mgefastdl/maps/mge_training_v3.bsp

Last edited by DeNeusbeer,

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