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PixelGaming.eu :: MGE Training Mod Servers

Created 21st September 2010 @ 02:38

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Quoted from Leftism


Multiplay servers aren’t FTP based. As in, if you want a new mod/map installed you need to add a support ticket and they do that bit for you.

Well they fucked it up then and you should get different host because thats a retarded system. Multiplay don’t have bad servers, but their system is just so retarded in that respect.



Quoted from Skyride


Well they fucked it up then and you should get different host because thats a retarded system. Multiplay don’t have bad servers, but their system is just so retarded in that respect.

True. We do have another match server (for 6v6s) we could use, provided by Rackage, which I know is FTP based. I just wanted to see if it worked on my server so it wouldn’t need to bother my clan leader, who owns the server, about it. Guess I’ll have to now.. xD!

Last edited by Leftism,


Is there any way of blocking the direct hit for the endif arena only? I understand wanting unlocks on the other maps but that one is really annoying.

General feedback on the mod, it seems ok but I dont understand how it is better than dm servers. DM provides you with a lot more match situations in my opinion.


Quoted from Davib

DM provides you with a lot more match situations in my opinion.

It also provides you with rocket spam from high ground while you’re fighting someone else, rolling nades everywhere (when there are 2 demomen on a team), random headshots in a middle of a duel, scouts 2-shotting you from the back…in a middle of a duel and gangrapes. It’s still awesome though and you might say that all that stuff makes you become more alert of your surroundings and mimics real situations better.

Anyway dm is great, but the training mod is even better since it’s pure 1v1 deathmatch with no one else bothering you so you can make better adjustments to your aim. I had it happen a lot of times to me in dm when I was like about to attempt an airshot only to get headshott’d, nade’d or meatshot’d. Airshot here was given just as an example, it also happens in other situations.
Just my 2 cents.

Last edited by metalpiss,



Could use a better queue system (either combine all queues or make all arenas private with no queue) and a way to agree on class/unlock rules before starting the training.

+ a ranking on a training server makes no sense at all.

Otherwise, brilliant job on the mod, I love playing it.

Last edited by compton,



Sorry about the server’s being down guys. Put simply, the mod is bugged to hell at the minute. I spoke to Lange on IRC earlier, and he’s really not got a clue what’s going on either.

I’ll have a look again tomorow.

edit: Also, there’s a new version of the map out with a few bug fixes that I have on the servers atm, heres a download link for you all:


(don’t worry though, whenever I get the servers back up it will be automatically downloaded via FastDL)

Last edited by Skyride,



We altered the map to the new version but it just crashes when people start. Reverted back to the original for now .



Servers sorted lads. Running the new mgemod v0.0.3 :)



Just passed 4,000 players in the stats DB. \o/

Last edited by Skyride,



Remove the green glowy thingie which represents the intel when you pick it up, please



Sorry to say guys, but the Pixel Gaming MGE servers will be down for a few days while we move host. The Pickup servers have also temporarily been moved back to our old FR host.

The stats system will however remain unaffected if you are playing on other servers.



Actually, I should also ask now. Myself and Lange are currently working on adding some really cool new statistics to the system. damage/accuracy between weapons and on average across all time, wins on various duels, etc.

Because of this, I’ll need to reset the existing statistics to make it accurate, just looking for some views on this (as a workaround may be possible).

Personally I think making a clean slate so that people aren’t playing to keep points would be a fairly good idea.



Quoted from Skyride

Actually, I should also ask now. Myself and Lange are currently working on adding some really cool new statistics to the system. damage/accuracy between weapons and on average across all time, wins on various duels, etc.

Because of this, I’ll need to reset the existing statistics to make it accurate, just looking for some views on this (as a workaround may be possible).

Personally I think making a clean slate so that people aren’t playing to keep points would be a fairly good idea.

#1. MGE training mod.
#2. Everyone who grinded his points, will get around the same number after resetting counters in short period of time.



Resetting it every few months is a good idea anyway, makes sure that noone cares about points too much.



Quoted from Enef

Resetting it every few months is a good idea anyway, makes sure that noone cares about points too much.

Or just remove points all together. If people want to prove they are “the best” you could always host some sort of MGE Tournament for that.

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