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Pixel Pickup Bot

Created 18th September 2010 @ 16:42

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Set this up mainly for Chris to super-nerd all over the place with it, but its there for anyone to play about with. :)


I’m only planning to use SVN for the minute, so don’t go looking in the downloads section. :)




edit: jesus, looking at pminfo.php… that is horrificD:

Last edited by atrox_,



Quoted from atrox_

edit: jesus, looking at pminfo.php… that is horrificD:

not had a chance to look yet

when i do, this is what i will look at first



The coding is shit? What a surprise!

I still don’t understand why it connects to the irc server multiple times.



some say the pickup bot recently visited Britain…



Quoted from dotfloat™

I still don’t understand why it connects to the irc server multiple times.

There was some mentioning on another bot that makes topic changes.

Some parts of the bot are missing atm, like SQL tables. Also, config.php is fucked up.



Quoted from flushy

some say the pickup bot recently visited Britain…

No one says this you idiot



The pickup bot was in Britain recently I think, probably just visiting.



Quoted from atrox_

edit: jesus, looking at pminfo.php… that is horrificD:

Whats horrifc about it? 0.o

(fyi, the line where that script is launched is commented out at the moment line 760 in functions.php, comment out the line above (it was an attempt to use multi-processing that didn’t work and uncomment the system() call)

Quoted from dotfloat™

I still don’t understand why it connects to the irc server multiple times.

It doesn’t, well, sort of. The bot itself only has one login (I did at some point plan to use 3, the code for this is still there but its all commented out and just needs to be deleted really). The reason for the waitbot is that simply using sleep() would stop the bot from replying, and PHP doesn’t support multi-threading, so the only viable way to do it is to start another bot which PM’s the main bot a key after a period of time.

Its rofl-tastically bad way to do it, but if anyone has any better suggestions I’m welcome to listen. :)

Quoted from Koeitje

The coding is shit? What a surprise!

To be fair, it probably isn’t great, its the firs time i’ve done anything remote as complicated as this. PHP is a pretty hard language to keep tidy though once you’re up into the several thousand lines of code area. Just look at wordpress or phpBB.

Quoted from Jarppa

There was some mentioning on another bot that makes topic changes

Ye, this the was commented out code I was referring to. No multi-threading makes it not possibly in PHP (shame it took me 2hrs to work it out >.>)

Some parts of the bot are missing atm, like SQL tables. Also, config.php is fucked up.

I changed config.php to include a lot more information before uploading it, I didn’t even test it. The bug Jarppa is refering to is (I believe) simply that a class decleration has a dollar sign at the top:

class $ircinfo

Stupid error on my part, but as I say I didn’t test it before uploading. Just delete the dollar sign and it should work.

Anyways, I’m happy to take criticism on my code, I’m not an amazing programmer and don’t claim to be so, but please don’t just bash me because particular things might make no sense at first. Every unusual method by which anything is done in the bot is so for a reason.

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