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eXtv looking for Editors

Created 31st August 2010 @ 19:53

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Like the title says, eXtv is looking for editors.


The reason why eXtv is looking for editors is simple, to give out more videos(“moment of glory” or “commentary vids”). If ya have no idea what eXtv is then check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/CommFT


*Main thing ofc. Good editing skillz.(good quality editing, good colors etc.)
*Decent English level.
*You should be active and not lazy!
*Sample video.

If you are interested pm me on steam.

(if I have anything else to add I will either reply or edit the 1st post).

my eMail: [email protected]
extine’s eMail: [email protected]

Last edited by .,


Yaaoooo! Moony is handling this attempt at euro expansion on my behalf so get in touch with him, but at the same time I’ll definitely be very hands on with this effort.

eXtv has made some huge strides recently, but at the same time our ability to produce content has been hurting. I started a new job, that has a bit better schedule, but has more hours. Our Top10 series has also been slowed by a rotating cast of editors all with their own projects going on. And our MoG guys have dissappeared :) So, we definitely need a hand getting the content out there.

What can eXtv offer editors? A chance to help the community, increase the visibility of TF2 as an eSport, and get some recognition for yourself. The commFT youtube channel has 12000 subscribers and has producer status. That means your videos will be seen by way more people, there will be advertisments on the videos and $$$ coming in based off the number of hits. eXtv will be returning a portion of that to the video editors and commentators although we haven’t settled on the particulars yet.

Due to our partnership status, copyrighted music CANNOT be used.

Video editors will definitely get recognized for their work, with all editors encouraged to put a brief outro proclaiming their authorship at the end of videos.

Hit me up if you’re interested. I’m pretty busy with all this, but without a doubt I (and eXtv) are trying to make some great things happen. So help us out :D

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