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serviZe. eSports Team Fortress 2 Tournament

Created 24th August 2010 @ 13:01

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Dear ETF2L,

I want to present new eSports community “serviZe.”, they are new community who are making tournaments for games like – CS:S, COD2, COD4, TF2.

At the moment, there are 4 tournaments running, for CS:S, COD2, COD4, TF2. If you want to sign-up, first you need to register in the forums.

You can sign-up your team here – http://www.servize.co.uk//forumdisplay.php?5-Tournaments

As it’s E(TF2)L, so I want to present “serviZe. 6on6 Team Fortress 2 Tournament (ONE DAY CUP)

1. It’s first serviZe. (Team Fortress 2) tournament, so first tournament will be 32 slotted,.

2. All teams are allowed to join.

3. First round (32 teams) – cp_gullywash_imp3
Second round (16 teams) – cp_freight_final1
Third round (8 teams, Quarter Finals) – cp_obscure_final
Fourth round (4 teams, Semi Finals) – cp_granary
Fifth round (2 teams, Final) – cp_badlands

4. ETF2L rules and config. RULEShttp://etf2l.org/rules/ CONFIGhttp://deneusbeer.nl/tf2/etf2l.cfg

5. The date will be set out once the teams are signed up.

6. First Round starts @ 6PM UK Time
Second Round starts @ 6.45PM UK Time
Third Round starts @ 7.30PM UK Time
Fourth Round starts @ 8.15PM UK Time
Fifth Round starts @ 9:00PM UK Time

7. There is 1 merc allowed for each team, but only if both teams agree with eachother.

8. You can sign-up your team here (in Forums)http://www.servize.co.uk//forumdisplay.php?31-Team-Fortress-2-1-16

9. If you have some questions, feel free to ask at #serviZe or on forums – http://www.servize.co.uk//forumdisplay.php?34-Questions

10. The prize will be one of the following:
Gaming Server
Dedicated Server

The following prize will be announced later.

I hope to get some positive feedback.

Thank you.

EDIT: Some things have been edited, so please read the “story” again.

Last edited by DIEHARDD,



why would teams sign up when they don’t know the time/date….?

other than that seems cool…

Last edited by dougiie,


I was saying the same thing, to the serviZe. manager, let me talk with him again.

Luke|serviZe    14• That will be released at a later date.
Luke|serviZe    14• Both teams will be emailed to agree on the time.

Last edited by DIEHARDD,


Not releasing the prize info isnt going to attract that many top teams I would of thought, and can imagine if signups do fill up fast and the released info is “dissapointing” then a few may simply drop.

Would seem to make more sense to release that info first as to attract teams.

imo :P


Yeah, I can agree with you, but I can’t do anything about it, I’m just helping to my buddy.

We might be signing up. As for WildCard’s point, give him the benefit of the doubt and just sign up. If it’s not as much as you’d like/had expected, don’t sign up in the future. Better to waste time with 1 cup that turns out to be less than hoped than to not waste it and find out the prizepool is as you had hoped and he drops support due to lack of interest.



After reading your feedback I feel it necessary to reply.

The prize will be one of the following:

Gaming Server
Dedicated Server

Which of these I am unaware yet.

However, I hope that gives you some incentive into this. In the future we wish to host pay to play tournaments with a prize pot for the winning team however that will require that we become a more active community beforehand.



Last edited by serviZe,



seems cool!


4 team already participating:

Epsilon eSports
Sektor Gaming
Crack Clan
Team ARA



Well we can’t achieve anything by not giving it a chance, got nothing to lose apart from playing for nothing. Hopefully SERVIZE wont disapoint us :)



Quoted from Slick

Well we can’t achieve anything by not giving it a chance, got nothing to lose apart from playing for nothing. Hopefully SERVIZE wont disapoint us :)

Exactly! Thanks for running this.


we’ll be signing up


Glad to hear.



Imperox will be there.



Oh Crap :p

Bunch of div 1 teams and a div 5 team (us) :D

Will be funny going agains’t Psunn and Stuntz hopefully :p

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