Quoted from JimmyBreeze

I could be wrong but I don’t think mp_highlander 1 is a good idea.

If your medic starts timing out/goes AFK in spawn, you can’t change someone to medic until the server actually drops him.

Also means you can’t switch classes unless someone moves to spec, right? And it’s against the rules to move to spec mid-game, yet you might wanna switch classes with one of your mates.

100% agree, people aren’t going to have more than 1 of each class anyway and if they do well they can always be disqualified.

Also since i played a lot fo highlander pcws with this limit 1, one time such said incident happened with our medic and we were screwed. Another time one of ours wasn’t having a good game on his class, wanted to swap so we had to go spec constantly to do so. That means you end up doing stuff like watching the other team’s position, health…etc so when I went spec to swap, I had a quick glimpse I saw where there medic was and told my spy – then saw the enemy engi was away from his sentry – my spy enjoyed knowing this. Really this config is just stopping quick and easy swapping for the only gain being you make sure people don’t cheat (only 1 idiot in 1000 will try and play the wrong class anyway).

Last edited by Hildreth,