ESL 6on6 League Season VI: Signup's open tommorow!
Created 19th August 2010 @ 22:38
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The final divisions have already been published, and Week 1 is next week.
If you haven’t signed up, you still got a chance to signup as some teams folded and there are a few slots: 1 in Division 1, 1 in Division 3, 1 in Division 4, 2 in Division 5. Please contact us if you are interested.
Quoted from AnAkkk
The final divisions have already been published, and Week 1 is next week.
If you haven’t signed up, you still got a chance to signup as some teams folded and there are a few slots: 1 in Division 1, 1 in Division 3, 1 in Division 4, 2 in Division 5. Please contact us if you are interested.
gogo guys chance for another div3 team to be put in div1!
Still 1 in Division 1, 1 in Division 3 and 1 in Division 4. We will stop taking requests tomorrow @ 21 CET. You need to open a support ticket, contacting an admin in IRC isn’t enough.
Last edited by AnAkkk,
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