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Hungarian Pros vs. Pubbers

Created 11th August 2010 @ 19:58

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Ladies and Gentlemen!

We are proud to introduce the first Hungarian Pubbers vs. Pros match where the 9 Kings of Publand will try to prove their skill against 6 well-known (at least in Hungary) players who has spent a long time in competitive play. If you aren’t bored of matches like this yet, and you have nothing better to do on a Saturday night, you are more than welcome on our STV! :)
There will be a shoutcast, too, although I highly doubt you would be interested in it, since it is in Hungarian. I enclosed the Mumble details anyway, for the lulz. Bunfi has a sexy voice though.

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I’m just curious, I don’t know nor care much for the hungarian community, but erm ..

How come the only good players Hungary has with a higher lvl of experience aren’t in your “pro’s” team? .. weird shit ;D

If you’re gonna call it “pro’s”, at least get your best players and players that are known in it then, in my humble opinion.

Last edited by demsii,


The “Hungarian Pros” aren’t the really hungarian pros just friends in “Hungarian Pros vs. Pubbers”



Quoted from demsii

I’m just curious, I don’t know nor care much for the hungarian community, but erm ..

How come the only good players Hungary has with a higher lvl of experience aren’t in your “pro’s” team? .. weird shit ;D

If you’re gonna call it “pro’s”, at least get your best players and players that are known in it then, in my humble opinion.

Than you should talk with Hykleri and ask him: “why not play?”

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