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GamerFM Interview show (20/11: Arie + Exfane - DOWNLOAD IS NOW UP)

Created 12th June 2010 @ 11:52

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Quoted from Trell


That being said, I have to bring on board people each week who I personally feel can add some value in terms of answers that will be of interest to the core listener base as mentioned above.

This is normally pubbers with little to no competitive knowledge.

I know some of you would have liked to have seen dearjohncarter on the show – however, it would have appealed to, most likely, people already in the TF2 ‘scene’ as it were, and probably wouldn’t have been as interesting to regular listeners as Vali, Torden, or people of a similar ilk.

I’m sorry if some of you feel let down, but I thought it was worth letting you know a little of my thought processes behind the decision.

Why ask DJC in the first place then? Let’s be honest, don’t try and make it out to be something it’s not. Even though the bloke plays in div3 here, he has a pretty damn good knowledge of the us and eu scene, let alone tf2 itself! As much as I love Vali, it just won’t be as interesting as having DJC on the show.



I didn’t ask djc, he asked me. ^_^



Quoted from Trell

I didn’t ask djc, he asked me. ^_^

Still, you agreed and advertised that he’d be on the show. Then back out at the last minute becaused supposedly he wouldn’t have appealed to a larger audience. Surely you would’ve realised this before you agreed?



How could I have realised without knowing the guy? I take people on face value until I’m convinced otherwise, call me naive, but thats the way I’ve always been.

Suffice to say, I made a desicion for the regular listeners, and now I’m sticking by it – as stated, apologies if it’s dissapointed some of you and you end up boycotting the show.


I get it why, 90% of the stuff that comes out of dr john carters mouth is either trolling or bullshit…

Vali for pres <3



but vali is mean =<



Quoted from Trell

How could I have realised without knowing the guy? I take people on face value until I’m convinced otherwise, call me naive, but thats the way I’ve always been.

Suffice to say, I made a desicion for the regular listeners, and now I’m sticking by it – as stated, apologies if it’s dissapointed some of you and you end up boycotting the show.

Lol just ignore his fan boys mate, no one else gives a crap apart from the 10 people who hang out with him on mumble : p.

Last edited by kaidus,



only ones whining are people who already listen to his bullshit daily :DDDDDDDdd



Quoted from kaidus


Lol just ignore his fan boys mate, no one else gives a crap apart from the 10 people who hang out with him on mumble : p.

I don’t really give a crap either, I just found it funny how unprofessional this was.

Also, when did you turn into such a cock?



About the same time you started laying into a guy giving TF2 a great service for the sake of a random troll.


Quoted from kaidus

About the same time you started laying into a guy giving TF2 a great service for the sake of a random troll.

Pretty sure it was way before that






needs more red ass baboons telling kaidus is a cock!


Quoted from blind

needs more red ass baboons telling kaidus is a cock!


Memento Mori

I invented “red arsed baboons”

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