Div 4 Skill, 6v6
Posted: | Last Online:
After long time of pubbing, lobbying and mixing, I'm looking for a 6v6 team.
I mostly have time in the evening, 19:00 – 22:00, though i'm online earlier.
Only looking for a German team/clan.
You can add me if you are interested in a mix or something like that, can't prove my skills in words :)
User Profile | SteamID: U:1:42013647Team History
Action | Team | By | Date |
Left | Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] | Un amour de Swann | |
Joined | Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] | Twiggy | |
Left | Pielander [Highlander] | Apfelkuchen | |
Left | The Good Guys! [6v6] | zori | |
Joined | Pielander [Highlander] | Apfelkuchen | |
Left | None [Highlander] | zori | |
Joined | The Good Guys! [6v6] | Apfelkuchen | |
Joined | None [Highlander] | zori |
Previous Recruitment Posts
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View | Div 3/Div 4 | 11 | 732 |
vielleicht hier mal fragen?
oder hier
Hat auf jeden Fall Potential
div5 ist kein problem, starker demo
guter demo mit potenzial
muss nur noch lernen mehr anzusagen…
wasted in div 5, potential to go way further.
wenn vroni das sagt, dann will das was heißen
a little bit train -> div4
really good demo, div 5 for sure with a bit of practise and a little more calling he will be div4 in no time.
gl! :D
nice person ;)
Nice player!
Div4 for sure. gl.
einer meiner lieblings-mix-demos :)
he should join a div4 team :)
Immer noch kein Team? Vielleicht sollten wir mal anfragen…
jau enemy.. freakout braucht eh niemand :D
Nee nee Freakout bleibt schön da …. der ist ja auch Solli! (Und Hut Dealer meines Vertrauens^^)
Aber Zorri wenn du intresse hast schreib mich mal an und wir Reden mal drüber.
Easy div4, just needs some experience in games above div5 to get it.
auf jeden div 4 :D
and now in english
div 4 for sure :D
You sure that you only want german teams?
will dich noch keiner zori ;-D
Doch, sehr viele.. Momentan laufen viele Testgames
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