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ScoutSniper  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

France redou

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My team which I composed for 6 month dropped because of lack of motivations and irl issues. However, looking for a scout slot main if possible. Play since June as scout, and should have 250-300 hours of playing in pcw, even more in Deathmatch (Don't like mge so much though ) Maybe 550hours.

What I propose :

– Motivated player who really want to improve his skill (It passes by watching demos, playing alot dm etc.. )
– Fluent english, and can easily handle euro team, even if i'm french.
– Know my job, talk alot, maybe rage sometime like everyone but out of matches. Funny guy (yeah yeah ofc :P) with sexy accent from south of France and likes to joke people.
– Avaible to play everyday, at any time, I will not be a problem for scheduling matches I mean.
– Not lanable yet, certainly later in the future next year.

And then, what I want to you.

– Team, already with members (Don't want to re create an entire team), but I will not be against to recreate one if we had some people who already have experience of leading, etf2l management etc…
– Want to go FAR with a team. w/ invested players who'd to improve their skill like me. Funny team is not for me kthx bai:D
– Server isn't required, unless we can find pcw without one
– Where you come from I don't care. I want you to speak english during and after matches, you realise that I can't be okay with players who speak all the time spanish, italian or whatever except during when we play…

I know there's alot of guys who want to join a team as scout, But if you'r looking for someone serious, who will'nt leave, nice and sexy, I AM the best on the market (I don't think i'm overestimating myself :3)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44887538 Add Friend

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  1. Zangetsu_u: PyRo|GEN said:


  2. Exon.: o/ said:

    Very nice player ! Take him !

  3. Live: SURGE - . said:

    take him (good move,nice aim)