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Soldier  Low+ Skill, 6v6

Poland Zabson

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, im a low+ soldier looking for a div5 team. I got a lot of time to play and so i want to improve. I'm looking for a team with their own mumble, war server and a friendly atmosphere.I can play all week. No raging.

Contact me via steam.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:38444349 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Weed! [2v2] Wigglez
Left Last Men Left [6v6] Zabson
Joined Last Men Left [6v6] Atkins

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  1. Baros: HARDSTOMP - BLLB said:

    low/low+ at most

  2. Vice: M` - 8===D said:

    Maybe less experienced, but more mature then You Baros.

    Fast learner, tell him what to do and u’ll get the job done.

  3. zar said:

    ATM he’s surely div5 capable. Same opinion as Vice tbh.

  4. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    yeah very fast learner he play tf2 since it came out :/

  5. gold: ympocucked said:

    div 6, low solly

  6. achmed said:

    “Joined Weed! [2on2] RoonY 13 hours ago ” lol xDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    div 6 solly

  7. Wigglez said:

    div 5 , nice solly

    gl :)

  8. Adriakus: GWLoLa - ZW said:

    Is good soly div 5

  9. bRoWN said:

    5 div,take him fast!


  10. ruffeeh said:

    good fire rocket and shot shotgoon kill all people i apoov

  11. ruffeeh said:


  12. DreadOne: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    He can handle 5 div, fast learner and really nice guy.
    Just pick him !

  13. Lukas: ti. said:

    Div 6 for him mid-? haha…

  14. Lukas: ti. said:

    2 teams and you mid- ?? good joke

  15. Pawłoski: ez-sports.ru said:

    Lukas… go away and shut up pls.

  16. gjk said:

    Good Soldier

  17. Mors Immortalis: KoP!? said:

    Give him a chance to improve, grab him fast :)

  18. Yobilat said:

    Not bad playa’.

  19. Ludi: [SAS] - Stajenni said:

    Good solly =]

  20. Cooler: 4Queens said:

    good rackietas good shooty boom body killingbut no see scouts and they kill his medic he plays 2 years tf2 so he experienced killing pyros on pubs n mixong with ronneeh listening pendulum boombox but it allryyt coz roni is cipa

  21. Black^ said:

    Cooler you’re definitely not even half as funny as ruffeeh, in fact you’re not funny at all :(

  22. Mariano said:

    STFU loowler. Leave him alone. GL Zabson :)

  23. craSsh said:

    Good soldier who want to improve and learn more . Give him a chance and he will not dissapoint you!
    GL Mate