ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Mid/High Skill, 2v2

Russia 2stars!

Posted by keeezy: | Last Online:


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  1. Brujman: /ff said:

    Hello I am a 16 years old boy who’s looking for a team as roamer or soldier in highlander. I actually have 700 hours as soldier (i reseted my stats). I did about 350 lobbies and I do mge a lot. I have pretty good calls, good strats and I have a very good skill. I already did a season last year. Of course I speak english. I can play every wednesday until 20, every thursday until 17 and 1/2 week-end. Add me on : http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198095238286/

  2. simba: C&D said:

    brujman, you dont see that they are russians?

  3. Simple Guy said:

    and look for 6v6 guys, not hl

  4. simba: C&D said:

    Прет симплгай

  5. Simple Guy said:

    Здрасте, симба

  6. ZiKi: ACE said:

    Удачи Кирпичу. Лучший.

  7. GooMeeD said:

    Приветствую , как сюда вступить?)

  8. Glebotron said:

    Я хочу в эту команду :3

  9. mOjkee said:
